Licheng District Procuratorate performs duties in accordance with the law -promotes the healthy development of the shoe industry

Author:Putian released Time:2022.06.20

Police officers of the Licheng District Procuratorate sought the development service of the shoe industry.

The shoe industry is the first industry that exceeds 100 billion yuan in Putian City. The Licheng District Procuratorate gave full play to the role of procuratorial functions, severely cracking down on fake fake crimes in various types of shoe industry, and actively relying on to solve problems for local shoe companies, helping the shoe industry transformation and upgrading.

Innovation is the first driving force for development, and protecting intellectual property rights is to protect innovation. In response to the problem of fake and fake sales, the Licheng District Procuratorate maintains a high -pressure situation and deterrence of cracking down on crimes. Since 2021, a total of 58 and 73 fake crimes were sold for various types of shoe industry, and 137 were prosecuted.

In response to the indifferent awareness of intellectual property protection of some shoe companies, and do not know how to establish and protect their own brands, the Licheng District Procuratorate has repeatedly organized police officers to go deep into shoe companies, carry out various types of rule of law publicity activities, and guide shoe companies to establish awareness of legal governance from the legal level, and cultivate to cultivate. The spirit of the contract, strengthen the concept of observance, and promote the development of enterprises to be stable and far away.

In the judicial handling case, the Licheng District Procuratorate adheres to the concept of humility, prudential, and goodwill, exercise non -prosecution for tailoring in accordance with the law, carefully fulfill the need for detention, and appropriately apply property compulsory measures, and handle case -related cases in accordance with the law. Healthy development is a good "woodpecker", and also gives business owners to entrepreneurs to entrepreneurs "Xinxin Wan".

During the epidemic, the mask of the owner of the shoe material processing enterprise Lin Mou was produced and sold unqualified. In the case, the hospital considers the first offenders, and voluntarily pleaded guilty. The punishment of the imprisonment decided to apply a compliance inspection, and to the mandatory measures of Lin's change in accordance with the law as a bail pending trial. Since then, the institute has also urged enterprises to sort out and rectify the loopholes of internal governance structures, rules and regulations, and other issues, helping enterprises to establish a modern management system, and the organic unity of political, social effects, and legal effects.

In daily work, the Licheng District Procuratorate actively contacted the shoe companies through the "going global" and "invite enter", deeply penetrating the needs of the shoe companies, and actively solicited the development opinions of the shoe industry, and collected the influence of the law -related complaints reflected by the shoe companies. All kinds of issues, launch an order -style service for "shoe companies, prosecution problems" to help shoe companies solve practical problems. The hospital set up a procuratorial work station in the Huangshi Industrial Park concentrated in the shoe company to provide face -to -face services. The bridge between the procuratorial organs interacts with the shoe companies.

Sincere service, get the likes of many shoe companies. Many companies actively set up contacts with the Licheng District Procuratorate to seek help. The hospital will continue to pay attention and actively guides to escort our city's shoe industry to become bigger and stronger.

(Source: Meizhou Daily Reporter: Chen Liming Zheng Zhixin text/picture editor: Xu Zhiwei)

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