Uncle Xiamen asked 50,000 "borrowing" after breaking up, but was fined 20,000!The truth is surprising ...

Author:Straits Herald Time:2022.06.20

It's almost ~

After an uncle in Xiamen, the old Yang widowed puppet

I met Aunt Zhang by a friend introduced

Unexpectedly, the romantic dusk didn’t last long

Double alarm!

Still sued in "520"!

what on earth is it?

Let's take a look together

Uncle Xiamen Dusk Love

"Borrow" girlfriend 50,000 to discuss after breaking up

Lao Yang:

Soon after we were together, she said that there was something at home, to borrow 50,000 yuan, and also wrote a debit. Who knows, after transferring money to her, she would separate with me. I don't care, pay back the money and pay the money.

Lao Yang has been looking for Aunt Zhang many times to ask for no results

Then sue to the court

Ask Aunt Zhang to pay back money

Aunt Zhang:

I am so wronged. During my cohabitation, I had always taken care of Lao Yang's life. He voluntarily gave me 50,000 yuan for daily expenses of the two. The next day after receiving the money, I spent nearly 10,000 yuan for Lao Yang to buy home appliances and daily necessities.

Later, the two were disagreeable, and they broke up after several quarrels. As a result, he ran to his home three times and asked me to pay back 50,000 yuan. I also cheated me to write a name on a pink stool and forged this loan.

May 12, 2021

Lao Yang came to the door again to urge

Auntie Zhang is uncomfortable

Alarm to the police station

"520" prosecution

As a result

Display according to the law enforcement recorder:

When the police coordinated the same day

Lao Yang said he didn't know the name of Aunt Zhang

Let Aunt Zhang "debit" with this case

Sign the same pink and write the name on the paper

The writing position is also consistent with "debit"

Lao Yang took away the note paper away

Although Lao Yang admits "IOU"

The content except the signature was written by him

But insist that Aunt Zhang signed only after confirmation

May 20

Lao Yang was a dispute over a gift contract

Prosecutor Zhang

The following month is also called holding "debit"

Prosecution again with civil lending disputes

Whether the two sides formed this 50,000 yuan

Legal and effective borrowing relationship?

Survey by the court

There are many unreasonable things in Lao Yang's statement

Lao Yang said that "debit" was signed by Aunt Zhang on December 6, 2020, but on May 12, 2021, he said he didn't know the name of Aunt Zhang, which was obviously contradictory.

Moreover, Lao Yang had reported to the police twice, but he never told the police that he held the important situation of "debit". If Lao Yang has been holding the debit, it is obviously unreasonable on May 20 with a gift contract dispute.

Comprehensive evidence and trial statement

Court identification

The "debit" held by Lao Yang is forgery


The "debit" was formed by adding the content on the pink with a handwritten name of Aunt Zhang. The evidence provided by Lao Yang was not enough to prove that the two parties had a lending intention, and rejected Aunt Zhang's request to return 50,000 yuan to the lawsuit request.

After the sentence, Lao Yang appealed and made a deep review of his wrong behavior, and submitted a written regret. Considering that Lao Yang had a timely understanding of mistakes and correct attitude, the court eventually made a fine of 20,000 yuan in fines of Lao Yang.

Lao Yang is lonely due to emotion

I long for a wife to spend the rest of my life,

Originally a wonderful thing,

But in the end, he was punished for his own mistakes and behaviors.

You have to lose money.

Judge remind


Citizenship lawsuits should strictly follow the principle of honesty and trust. In order to forge evidence for inappropriate interests, false lawsuits may face fines, detention, and even criminal liability.


The private loan contract is a practical contract. When lending, pay attention to the presence of the lending contract and the written certificate delivered by the two parties.


Finding a partner through a marriage agency should pay attention to protecting personal privacy and properly handle economic relations during the period of exchanges.


The elderly should communicate with their children and family members in time when they encounter problems. Do not move "crooked brains". Do not play "little cleverness". Here, we also call on children to accompany and care for their parents as much as possible, enrich their parents' spiritual world, and help parents improve their awareness of prevention.

Involved in money exchanges

Pay more attention to everything!

Otherwise the former lover

You have to be a pawn!

Edit Huang Xingyuan


- END -

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