Ran Maowen was expelled from the party, Chen Peng was investigated

Author:Guizhou Daily Time:2022.06.20

Ran Maowen, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Guizhou Provincial Department of Finance

Expel party

A few days ago, with the approval of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted an investigation and investigation of the serious violations of disciplinary violations of the original party group and deputy director of the Guizhou Provincial Department of Finance.

After investigation, Ran Maowen lost his ideals and convictions, abandoned his original mission, was unfaithful and unrealistic about the party. At the bottom line, we can make great power and money transactions, and use the convenience conditions of positions and power or status to seek benefits for others to illegally receive huge amounts of property.

Ran Maowen seriously violated the party's political discipline, organizational discipline and integrity discipline, constituted illegal positions and suspected bribery crimes. Should be dealt with seriously. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Regulations on the Communist Party of China", "Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China", and "Law of the People's Republic of China", and other relevant regulations, after studying and reporting to the Provincial Party Committee for approval by the Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, Ran Maowen was expelled from the party. The treatment he enjoyed was canceled in accordance with regulations; the procuratorial organs were transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution in accordance with the law.

Chen Peng, general manager of Tongren Yiche Business Management Co., Ltd.

Accept disciplinary review and supervision investigation

According to the website of the Tongren Discipline Inspection Commission Municipal Supervision Committee, Chen Peng, general manager of Tongren Yiche Business Management Co., Ltd., is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Bijiang Discipline Inspection Commission District Supervision Committee.

(Source: Website of Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Tongren City Discipline Inspection Commission website)

Edit: Hu Rong

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