Enter the square, take the community, anti -fraud to publicize the grounding!

Author:Chongqing Higher People's Cou Time:2022.06.20

To advance

Special action for "cracking down on rectification of pension fraud"

Maintain the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly

Strengthen the awareness of preventing fraud from the elderly

Recently, the city's court police officer

Go deep into towns, communities, and fields

Carry out a series of law -popular publicity activities

Let's take a look together

Jiangjin Court

In order to further promote the special action of "cracking down on pension fraud" and to enjoy a good social environment for the elderly to enjoy happiness in their later years, the Jiangjin Court has launched a series of publicity activities to prevent pension fraud. The event adopts the "one, two three" publicity model, that is, "keep a good" money bag ", protect the happy home", online and offline platforms, "enter the square, enter the community, and enter the family" Carry out the publicity activities of the rule of law, expose the routine of pension fraud, and actively create a good social atmosphere of "dare not deceive, cannot be deceived, and cannot be cheated."

On June 15, 11 departments including the Propaganda Department of the Jiangjin Court and the District Party Committee, the District Party Committee Political and Legal Committee, and the District Committee of the District Committee went to Guifu Plaza, Baisha Town, Jiangjin District to carry out the publicity activities of the rule of law.

The Jiangjin Court opened the "Car Civil Court" to the event site, and played a publicity film to prevent pension fraud to the masses. Through the way of people's popularity, the anti -fraud publicity was more grounded and the promotional atmosphere was stronger.

Town street residents have said: "After listening to the judge's law, they learned about some new types of pension fraud scams, and knew the new means of scammers fraud, and they would avoid being deceived in the future."

Beidong Court

Recently, the Police Police of the Criminal Court of Beibei Court entered Tongjiaxi Town Tiancheng Community to carry out publicity activities for preventing pension fraud and telecommunications network fraud.

At the event site, policemen explained the main types, characteristics and methods of telecommunications fraud in recent years by suspending publicity banners, issuing leaflets, and face -to -face consulting explanations. Essence Police officers introduced the elderly to introduce the form of pension fraud in the name of "pension service", investment "pension projects", and sales of "pension products". Do not greedy cheap, do not trust others, do not leak personal information, and timely install and use the "National Anti -Fraud Center" APP.

Rongchang Court

Recently, the Rongchang Court took the theme of "combating the rectification of pension fraud and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly", and went to the community, parks, nursing homes and other elderly people gathering places to concentrate on preventing publicity of pension fraud and building a solid protection for pension fraud. " Firewall.

During the event, the judges explained to the elderly groups and typical cases to elderly groups in unknown language. At the same time, through the distribution of leaflets, posters, hanging banners, and car on the car of the Civil Court of the Civil Court to expand the scope of radiation, to enhance the general public's awareness of the content of the elderly fraud and the ability of the elderly Pension money.

In order to create a good atmosphere of special action, the Rongchang Court actively launched the police officer of the hospital with the "100 judges into the small court" activity. Strengthen the publicity and education of the legal system, and actively create a good situation of "dare not deceive, cannot be deceived, and cannot be cheated", and improve the overall publicity effect.

Wanzhou Court

Recently, the Wanzhou Court launched a popular publicity activity of "combating pension and crimes involving old fraud" in Heping Plaza, Wanzhou District, revealing the "routine" of pension fraud to the elderly, improving the ability of the elderly to learn fraud, and help the elderly to protect the " Pension money. More than 400 leaflets were issued on the spot, and more than 100 legal consultations were provided.

"Old man, strangers call you to transfer money, don't trust it. If you encounter similar situations, you must discuss with your family in time to avoid property losses."

"Old people, behind the free eggs, free physical therapy, free travel, may be the trap set by scammers, but you must be vigilant."

Activity site

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The court police officers who came to ask questions patiently interpreted the specific methods of fraudulent crimes such as health products fraud, pension scams, winning scams, "retirement of houses" fraud, posing as public prosecution law fraud, and reminded the elderly to protect their money to protect their money. bag.

Fengdu Court

In order to severely crack down on illegal crimes of pension fraud, and effectively strengthen the awareness of the people, especially the elderly groups, to prevent pension fraud, recently, Fengdu Court went to Fengdu County Longhe Dongjiuji Times Square to carry out the "resolutely cracking down on pension fraud and crime of iron wrist to protect people's property security. "The theme publicity activities, effectively let the propaganda prevention of pension fraud deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and fully guard the" money bags "of the people.

"Frequently Assembly Rods of Pension Fraud", "Buying 'Health Products' Common Traps", "How the Elderly How the Elderly" ... Tongnan Court specially designed and printed propaganda materials, organized police officers to go deep into the community, square, and markets. Lecture, on -site answering questions, etc., explain to the masses to explain the current means of crimes of pension fraud.

Activity site

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At the event site, the court policeman combined with fraud and anti -fraud reminders, "old -age fraud" common techniques, "anti -fraud strategy" to prevent old -age fraud, etc., sorted out ten types of telecommunications network fraud, common scams for elderly scams, and compiled to prevent pension fraud.Remember the "four or four do not want" to prevent fraud, and carry out publicity of pension fraud knowledge by issuing leaflets, hanging banners, and on -site legal knowledge explanations.At the same time, the knowledge of pension fraud will be sent to the community, the supermarket, and the enterprise, and effectively enhance the awareness of the people's pension fraud.In this publicity activity, a total of more than 1,500 propaganda materials were distributed, and more than 30 people were consulted on the scene, which further enhanced the masses' awareness of security prevention and achieved good publicity and social effects.

Source: relevant courts

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