Pingdu City Federation of Trade Unions "one -stop service" helps employees to protect their rights

Author:Peninsula Metropolis Pingdu Ne Time:2022.06.22

Peninsula all -media reporter Geng Li correspondent Zhao Kezhen

One -stop service to create an efficient and convenient application scenario

The employee's rights protection position of Pingdu City adopts the "one center and five stations" layout, and set up legal aid stations, employee consulting rooms, labor dispute mediation rooms, arbitration disputes, and court micro -law courts in the employee legal service center. The complaints are seamlessly connected to improve the efficiency and quality of resolving labor dispute litigation. After the one -stop service model was launched, the resolution time of the employee's labor dispute litigation case was shortened from the original 6 months to 2 months. During the construction of a construction company in Linyi City, the employee Wenmou had disputes with the enterprise due to the work injury and the enterprise. With the help of the mediation center, the micro Court for more than a month was to be determined to be completed, and the employees expressed their satisfaction.

Sifang linkage to improve the co -construction mechanism to safeguard the rights and interests of employees

Pingdu City Federation of Trade Unions, the Court of Federation of Trade Unions, Judicial, and Human Resources Establishment of the People's Disputes Committee to improve the joint conference system, through problems, conflict arrangements, Ping An joint creation, disputes, emergency linkage, responsibility joint, "heart heart," heart "Defense" Lianzhu constructing a service system for maintaining employee rights. Since the beginning of this year, Pingdu City Federation of Trade Unions has implemented data sharing, information interoperability, regular research work, timely research and judgment rules, and enhanced targeted and effectiveness. Since 2021, a total of 745 labor disputes have been accepted, 247 have been reached in the mediation agreement, and more than 28.80 million yuan in mediation intention has been reached.

Three -party interaction, "crossing" epidemic online mediation

Actively adapt to the new situation and requirements of the epidemic prevention and control, relying on the online mediation platform of the People's Court, register and set up the "Pingdu City Federation of Trade Unions Labor Dispute Controversy Mediation Center", hire 10 professional lawyers and 3 judges as special mediation officers to carry out labor disputes online Mediation work. Employees can enter the mediation center to log in to the website or WeChat applet, and choose the mediation officer to face the face line. The mediation officer invited the parties to meet with the parties to carry out online mediation to achieve more data running and the masses do not run. In March of this year, Xu Mou, a employee of a certain enterprise, salary 120,000 yuan. Communicate all parties and successfully reached a settlement agreement within 4 days.

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