The Municipal People's Defense Office organizes cadres and employees to study the Civil Code

Author:Guilin Evening News Time:2022.06.23

In order to further promote the study and implementation of the "Civil Code", and actively create a strong atmosphere of the law, respect, lawsuit, and usage, on June 17, the Municipal People's Defense Office organized all cadres and employees to collect the "People's Republic of China". Lawyer Liu of Xiangshan District Law Firm and the Municipal Human Defense Office taught lectures on cadres and employees.

Lawyer Liu comprehensively interpreted the legislation of the Civil Code and described the significant significance, overall requirements and basic principles of compiling the Civil Code. Family, inheritance, infringement liability, and attachment are interpreted in detail, focusing on the application of the civil code in the work of the people's defense office, and typical cases that are closely related to life.

Through centralized learning, everyone has stated that we must learn the codes of the people in deeply, do the example of law -abiding usage, effectively improve their ability and level of their own usage, use the Civil Code to maintain people's rights and interests, resolve contradictions and disputes, and promote social harmony and stability. (Correspondent Bai Yiqun)

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