2022 Jiangsu Judge Entry Examination Examination

Author:Jiangsu High Court Time:2022.06.26

On the morning of June 26, 2022, Jiangsu Judge's entrance examination was launched simultaneously at the 13 test sites in the province. Shao Jiandong, director of the Provincial Judge Selection Committee and Deputy Secretary -General of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Ni Chunqing, Director of the Political Department of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, members of the Provincial Court of Courts Sun Xiaozeng, director of the Political Department, Li Houlong, Party Secretary and Dean of the Nanjing Intermediate People's Court, and Hua Yujun, Secretary of the Party Group and Dean of the Nanjing Maritime Court, went to the Nanjing examination site to patrol.

Since the reform of the judicial responsibility system, this test is the sixth time of the Jiangsu Court's 6th judges' entry selection written test. In terms of applicants and conditions, the initial judges are strictly applied in accordance with the relevant conditions of the "Judge Law". After voluntary registration, qualification review, publicity and other links, a total of 1966 judges in the province's courts participated in the test of this input test. The number of examinations with the largest number of tests and the largest scale was selected.

Considering the needs of the epidemic prevention and control work, the judge's entrance examination was opened simultaneously in 13 districts and cities in the province. The provincial courts organized unified organizations, unified proposals, and unified papers. Municipal middle -level courts did a good job of testing guarantee. The courts of various localities strictly implement the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control policy, invite the epidemic prevention and control department to guide the test room settings. In some places, they also specially set up special test rooms for returning candidates to the Soviet Union outside the province to make overall plans for the prevention and control of the epidemic. The courts of various places also do a good job of humanization such as high temperature and other humanization to ensure that candidates are at ease and smoothly.

In terms of examination methods, the first test of the "machine test" is adopted for the first time, which specializes in the development of the "judge entrance examination" software. Through the scroll, review, and analysis, write referee documents on the spot, and provide common laws and regulations for the first time to assist candidates to accurately apply laws. After the referee documents are written, candidates can "one -click" submit the answer sheet. Through this closest method of trial practice, let the judge assistant test the test like completing the work, and take the professional literacy and comprehensive ability of the judge assistant, so as to select the team to enrich the judge team with the conditions of the judge.

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