Heavy fist coming out and harsh smoke -related crimes to protect the safety of people's livelihood for the people's livelihood

Author:Gansu Public Security Time:2022.06.27

In order to thoroughly implement the relevant spirit of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening the safety of the field of people's livelihood, strengthening intellectual property protection, and building a rule of law system, in accordance with the law, it has severely crack down on various types of smoke -related crimes, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain. A sense of happiness and security, actively create a good business environment, and better serve the high -quality development of the economy and society. Public security organs at all levels in the province in accordance with the "1+3+5" working plan of the Provincial Public Security Department, combined with the special action of "Kunlun 2022" In -depth action of "Qingyuan and Anmin".

As of now, the province's public security organs have broken a total of 117 cigarettes involving smoke, of which 27 national standard network cases of more than one million yuan, 10 boutique cases of more than 10 million yuan, 4 cases of over 100 million yuan, and seized various types of cigarettes 5372 Wanzi, transferred to 223 people, the amount involved was nearly 1.6 billion yuan.

Release: Political Department of the Political Department of the Public Security Department of Gansu Province

Edit: Xiyan porridge

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