More than 100 knives in your body!The first and fourth students of Shenyang Institute of Technology were killed by roommates, and the murderer was sentenced to death

Author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily Time:2022.06.29

According to the Chu Tian Metropolis Daily, Hao Mouhua, the son of Mr. Hao, Tangshan, Hebei, was a senior student at the School of Materials Science and Engineering of Shenyang Institute of Technology. On the evening of September 15 last year, under the school dormitory, Hao Mouhua was killed by a knife with a knife in the same classmate Wang. On June 29 this year, Jimu Journalists learned from Mr. Hao's father, Mr. Hao, that recently received a judgment from the Shenyang Intermediate People's Court, and the suspect of killing his son Wang was sentenced to death, deprived of political power lifelong.

Hao Mouhua's mother squatted at the entrance of Shenyang University of Science and Technology

Mom posted a video and shouted to kill her son "home"

Hao Mouhua is a native of Yutian County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province. He was born in early July 1998. He was just 23 years old when he was killed. His father, Mr. Hao, told Jimu Journalists that he had breakfast at home on September 5 last year. one side. On September 16th, Mr. Hao and his wife who received the school phone rushed to Shenyang. What he saw in the public security forensic department was the body of his son Hao Mouhua, and he had a knife injury, which made people feel heartbroken.

"Whenever I think of the misery of my son after being killed, I think of my son's clever and handsome before, and my heart is distraught." Ms. Hao Mouhua's mother told Jimu Journalists that if the son was not killed, he would graduate from college undergraduate this year or go to a graduate student and be killed. The previous son's academic performance has always been good, and he is reviewing the graduate students.

The death certificate provided by Mr. Hao showed that Xiaohua's death was on September 15th. The place of death was found to be the student dormitory area of ​​Shenyang University of Science and Technology. The cause of death was acute blood loss.

Death certificate

On Douyin, on June 26, Ms. Hao Mouhua's mother released a video, which contains her son Hao Mouhua's life photos. The music with the music is Chen Xi's song "It's difficult to break". In the text with video, Ms. Wang wrote: "Other people's babies have come home on vacation, when can my baby come back? Mom miss you, think too much ..."

Hao Mouhua's life photo

The court sentenced the murderer to death

On the judgment of the Shenyang Intermediate People's Court provided by Mr. Hao, the People's Procuratorate of Shenyang City, Liaoning Province accused the defendant of the School of Materials Science and Engineering, a School of Materials Science and Engineering of Shenyang University of Technology, was studying students. The roommate Hao Mouhua (victim, male, 23 years old), Zhang Mou, and other four people had less dating for their personality. On the evening of September 13, 2021, Wang and his roommate Zhang had a mouthful. Wang said on the spot that he would kill Zhang. On the morning of September 14, 2021, the victims Hao Mouhua and Zhang Mou found the college counselor asking for Wang Mou to leave the bedroom. After the college counselor communicated with Wang's mother and reported to the college leaders, he called Wang Mou's mother on the morning of September 15, 2021 to make a suggestion for Wang Mou to go to study or suspend school, and put forward that Wang's mother came to the school as soon as possible as soon as possible. Solving the problem of Wang. On the morning of that morning, Wang's mother told Wang on the phone. The mother's phone made Wang think that his roommate was bullied and touched his bottom line, so he hated the four roommates and decided to kill the four.

The verdict reads that at 17:00 on September 15, 2021, the defendant Wang went to the campus to buy three fruit knives and hidden in his backpack back to the bedroom. His roommate Zhang Mou and other three People are always accompanied by the bedroom. At 19:00 that night, Wang went to the basketball court to intercept another roommate Hao Mouhua and waited until 22:28. Hao Mouhua returned to the bedroom and passed here. In the empty ground between the dormitory building 7 and the No. 15 dormitory building, after holding a fruit knife with a fruit knife to stab Hao Mouhua's abdomen knife to the ground, he continuously stabbed the victim Hao Mouhua's abdomen, chest, neck of the victim Hao Mouhua continuously The key parts of the ministry, facial, etc. killed Hao Mouhua. The defendant Wang stayed at the scene and was arrested by the public security organs.

After the trial of the Shenyang Intermediate People's Court, the defendant Wang asked the police to report to the police after committing the crime, and stayed at the scene of the crime and did not run away. Revenge the classmates and implement the murder crime, and buy three sharp knives. They want to kill the four students in the same bedroom. When killing the victim Hao Mouhua, the victims of the victims were more than 100 knives. During the period, it performed well, but it was not enough to punish it lightly. The defendant Wang Mou's killing method was cruel and serious. According to the nature of his crime, the plot and the degree of harm to the society, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the defendant Wang was guilty of intentional homicide, sentenced to death, deprived of political rights for life, compensated for compensation attached to with The plaintiff of the civil lawsuit lost RMB 42613.5.

At the end of the judgment, the Shenyang Intermediate People's Court finally wrote that if you do not accept this judgment, you can appeal to the Liaoning Provincial Higher People's Court directly within ten days from the second day of receiving the judgment.

(The pictures are provided by the victim's family)

Original title: The first and fourth students of Shenyang Institute of Technology were stabbed to death by roommates, and the murderer was sentenced to death

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