Wang Jianxin, president of the People's Court of Qixingguan District, Bijie City, was investigated

Author:Guizhou Daily Time:2022.06.30

data-nickName = "Sky Eye News" Data-ALIAS = "Tianyanxinwen" Data-SIGNATURE = "Kaitian Eye Read Colorful" DATA-FROM = "2" />

President of the General Judgment of the People's Court of Qixingguan District, Bijie City

Wang Jianxin was undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation

Wang Jianxin, president of the People's Court of Qixingguan District, Bijie City, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations of disciplinary violations. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision and investigation by the Qixingguan District Commission for Discipline Inspection.

(Source: Qixingguan Discipline Inspection and Supervision)

Edit: Hu Kaiyu Hu Rong

Coordinating: Yan Haiyan

Editor: Tian Yanjia

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