Shanghai Anti -Fraud Center reminds: Financial and accountable staff, every transfer operation of you, please follow the process and verify it frequently!

Author:Police -people through traffic Time:2022.07.01

Finance staff, please pay attention!

Scams against cam fodding personnel

Still occur from time to time

Except for the early years of "pretending to lead"

Now the scammers will still be pretended to be

"Bank of Inspector" and "Tax Inspection Officer"


"Project models, contract margins

"Borrowing of funds" and so on

Require financially

Transfer to the designated bank account immediately

Such as financial staff

Easily transferred without distinguishing

It is easy to be deceived


Recently, the city has reported a financial fraud case. On the morning of June 28, Ms. Xu, the finance of a logistics company, received a call from a seat in the office. The other party claimed to be a bank staff and needed an annual inspection of her company account, so she pulled Ms. Xu into a QQ group.

It is understood that when Ms. Xu entered the group smoothly, she found that the members in the group showed that the nicknames were indeed the legal person of her company Geng and Tao. At the moment, Ms. Xu completely believed in the authenticity of the QQ group. "Geng Mou" proposed in the group that he needed to pay a company's payment to a designated account. Ms. Xu, the victim, did not think more after receiving the relevant account information. The ladies verified by the company's owner Geng to find that she was deceived.

Police tip

Please keep in mind that any social tool account has the risk of being stolen or "cloned". The avatars and nicknames you see may be carefully camouflage of scammers!

For QQ, WeChat, and mobile phones to involve information such as borrowing money, remittances, etc., especially large transfer and real -time arrival, it is necessary to confirm with the company's heads in person or phone, and strictly abide by the company's financial regulations and fulfill the relevant procedures. Once once the relevant procedures are performed, once the relevant procedures are fulfilled. If you are deceived, please call 110 immediately.

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