The Jilin Provincial Public Security Department deployed and carried out the "100 -day action" in the province's public security organs in the province's public security organs

Author:Jilin Daily Time:2022.07.03

A few days ago, the Provincial Public Security Department held a video scheduling meeting in the province's public security organs to convey the spirit of the deployment meeting of the "Hundred Days" deployment meeting of the Ministry of Public Security's Summer Public Security Public Security Campaign to rectify the "Hundred Days of Action" in the summer public security of public security organs in the province.

It is reported that the "100 -day action" of summer public security strikes is the need to maintain a safe and stable situation, and it is also a necessary move to protect the safety of the lives and property of the people. Public security organs at all levels in the province must closely focus on the main line of the 20th major security work of the party, and take the "hundred -day action" in summer public security to combat the "100 -day action" as the starting point. Forming a strong deterrent to illegal crimes allows the people to truly feel that the safety tentacles are within reach, and they are around.

At the same time, the province's public security organs firmly established the people -centered development ideas, and insisted on "what crimes are prominent, focusing on what to combat, where the public security chaos is chaotic", in order to open the road, fight against each other, adapt to local conditions, comprehensively implement policies, and fully realize the realization of realization. The "four batch, five strict, three guarantees" task goals ensure the continued stability of the province's overall social situation. The first is to take anti -evil and eliminate evil as a traction, severely crack down on evil forces such as evil forces, guns involving guns and explosion, and severely crack down on telecommunications network fraud and illegal fundraising. Multiple illegal crimes and violations of the interests of disadvantaged groups. The second is to implement the rapid response mechanism as the starting point, strictly prevent and control the overall society, comprehensively improve the public security armed police joint service, the public security special police officer streets and the police station patrol and other social patrol prevention and control force, and strengthen the school hospital , Safety inspections of intensive and key parts of shopping mall stations and other people, maintain the intelligence command center at all levels uninterruptedly operating for 24 hours to ensure that once there is an emergency, it can respond to the as soon as possible and be safely disposed of in the first time. The third is to investigate and prevent accidents and prevent accidents, strictly govern public safety, pay close attention to road traffic safety management, highlight the control of key periods such as night, early morning, weekend, holidays, etc., increase the frequency of key sections of the key sections of the accidents Drunk driving, "three super -one fatigue", and "two violations" in the countryside, such as the key violations of the law, jointly conduct safety inspections on places, facilities and transportation tools in the tourist attraction, and timely discover hidden dangers of rectification.

In addition, public security organs at all levels in the province have strictly implemented the implementation of the "100 -day action" project as the "first -hander" project with summer public security strikes, insisting on tracking and questioning, improving supervision, supervision, situation reporting, and major accountability of major responsibilities. , Effectively form a working atmosphere of first -level grasping levels and layers of implementation. Adhere to the strict characters to strengthen the management of the team, strictly implement the police discipline, and at the same time implement the good police measures, and inspire the all -police to perform their duties with a more vigorous mental state. We must focus on improving the level of law enforcement, educate the police to adhere to the rational and civilized law enforcement, and maximize the organic unity of legal, political effects and social effects to the greatest extent.

Author: Jilin Daily All Media Reporter Liu Wei

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