The man in Zhuanghe said that there was an abandoned warship for sale, and after receiving 200,000 ...

Author:Peninsula Morning Post Time:2022.07.03

Li Moumou lied that he had an abandoned greenhouse to deal with it. The demolished iron pipes and steel bars were acquired by the other party. The story was formed, and he deceived 200,000 yuan; then, Li Moumou compiled a larger project and lied. It is said that there is an abandoned warship for sale, and it has been deceived by 200,000 yuan ...

Around August 2020, the man of Zhuanghe City, Li Moumou, was introduced with a friend Chen Mou, and learned that he was the purchase and sale of waste products, and he had the idea of ​​fraud.

In October 2020, Li Moumou learned that there were multiple abandoned greenhouses in Zhuanghe City in Zhuanghe City. Now he could not handle it. He lied to Chen that the greenhouse was his own. Chen acquired, and the demolition cost was 180,000 yuan. Chen believed it was true. On December 5, 2020, Chen delivered a deposit of 50,000 yuan to Li Moumou, and the remaining 130,000 yuan agreed to be paid.

On January 26, 2021, Chen found Li Moumou and prepared to pay the final model to start construction. Li Moumou proposed to pay another 20,000 yuan hard fee. Chen agreed and paid Li Li 150,000 yuan on the spot. The two parties signed the "Sale Agreement", which agreed to start on February 27, 2021. Since then, Li Moumou has been pushed for various reasons. He has not started construction so far, and he has not returned to Chen.

On January 13, 2021, Li Moumou lied to the victim Chen Mou that he had an abandoned warship for sale. If he wanted to buy a deposit of 50,000 yuan, Chen Mou believed it. "Buy Warship deposit agreement".

On May 25, 2021, Chen found Li Moumou and proposed to buy four warships. Li Moumou claimed that each ship had to pay 50,000 yuan, and a total of 200,000 yuan was paid. Chen agreed that he paid 150,000 yuan on the same day. The two parties signed the "Buying Warship Supplementary Agreement" and agreed to start the ship demolition within 20 days after paying the deposit. Li Moumou was responsible for handing over the ship. Li Moumou deceived Chen Mou 200,000 yuan.

After the second behavior, Li Moumou still did not stop the deception; at this time, Chen still had fantasies about Li Moumou.

In March 2021, Li Moumou also lied that there was a Shandong highway renovation project. After the guardrail was dismantled, it could be recovered, but the deposit was needed to pay a deposit of 20,000 yuan, and the deposit was 10,000 yuan each. Believe it again.

On March 2, 2021, he transferred to Li Moumou 10,000 yuan through WeChat. Since then, Li Moumou also lied that he still needed to pay 10,000 yuan to the other party, and he was still half of them. Chen still believed that he was true. On April 13, he transferred 5,000 yuan to Li Moumou via WeChat. Li Moumou deceived Chen Mou 15,000 yuan.

In summary,

Li Moumou deceived Chen Mou RMB 415,000,

The cheated money is used for personal payment of the waters to use gold

And daily consumption.

In June 2022, the Zhuanghe City Court believed that the defendant Li Moufeng made a false facts for illegal possession and deceived the money of others. Punishment should be given. The defendant Li Moufeng was convicted of fraud, sentenced to seven years in prison, and fined RMB 50,000 to pay the treasury.

Peninsula Morning Post, 39 -degree video chief reporter Zhang Ximing

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