Before the flood season, the hidden dangers of the riverside floods were eliminated!

Author:Supreme inspection Time:2022.07.03

Short racing video

Cause the protection of the Yellow River

Recently, the police officers of the Yichuan County Procuratorate of Shaanxi Province found on the short video platform that some people conducted drag racing and camping activities on the beach by the Yellow River. Subsequently, the hospital organized a prosecutor's police officer to conduct on -site investigation along the Yellow Highway (Yichuan section) and found that some safety guardrail along the Yellow Highway (Yichuan section) was not repaired after being damaged. Camping on the beach on the side, and some riders held drag racing on the Yellow River channel, there are hidden safety hazards.

After the investigation and verification, the Yichuan County Procuratorate made a public interest lawsuit against the clue in accordance with the law. On June 22, the hospital organized a public hearing of the public interest litigation cases of some safety guards along the Yellow Highway (Yichuan section), and the relevant functional departments did not perform the management responsibilities in accordance with the law. The staff of the county highway and the county river office office participated.

At the hearing, the prosecutor introduced the basic situation of the case, rectified the significance and relevant legal basis of the illegal gate, passage, and relevant legal basis along the Yellow Highway. Video and pictures explain the opinions of the procuratorial organs to promote hidden safety hazards through public interest litigation. Representatives of relevant functional departments explained the hidden safety hazards and the performance of the unit and stated that they would actively rectify.

After hearing, the five hearing unanimously stated that the procuratorial agencies were supported by the prosecutor's pre -procuratorial proposal, and the relevant functional departments were urged to perform their duties in accordance with the law.

It is understood that after receiving the prosecution proposal, the relevant functional departments have started to implement it, and have taken a number of specific measures to eliminate hidden dangers of rivers. For rectification, the Yichuan County Procuratorate will continue to follow up supervision.

Affecting the flood of the Tanghe River

Two waste bridges were demolished

"This waste bridge seriously affects the security of the Tanghe river. Especially when the flood season in June and July, it is easy to waterlogging. Now the bridge has been demolished and the river is unblocked." A few days ago, Yuanhui, Luohe City, Henan Province, Henan Province, Yuanhui, Luohe City, Henan Province When the police officer of the District Procuratorate "looked back" in a public interest lawsuit case, Da Liu Town Bai Temple Village Division introduced.

Before removal of the abolition bridge

After removal of abandon bridge

On March 31st this year, the police officers of the Yuanhui District Procuratorate immediately went to the river -related rhrine -to -ride -related rhrine -to -ride -related clues, and immediately went to Bai Temple Village, Dai Liu Town and Zhaozhuang Village, Da Liu Town and Zhaozhuang Village for on -site survey. The bridge has been abandoned for many years, and its height has seriously affected the flooding rivers during the flood season, and there are hidden safety hazards. After the field survey, investigation, visits, and fixed evidence, the prosecutor believed that the relevant departments had omissions in the investigation and supervision of hidden dangers, which led to the abandoned bridge that had not been demolished in time, and the hidden dangers of the riverside floods were buried.

On April 21, the Yuanhui District Procuratorate served the procuratorial proposal to the District Water Resources Bureau and the Great Liuzhen Government in accordance with the law. The problem of the influence of the abandoned bridge of the Mid -Tanghe River has a legal duties of common supervision. It should fully implement the "river length system" to form a joint force to protect the water environment, completely demolish the Tanghe river waste bridge, and ensure the safety of the rivers in the flood season.

After receiving the procuratorial suggestion, the Yuanhui District Water Resources Bureau and the Great Liuzhen Government immediately studied and deployed and deployed a rectification action plan. On the one hand, the organizational personnel of the Yuanhui District Water Resources Bureau design and construction plan, arrange large -scale mechanical hook machines and clear transportation vehicles to enter the construction; on the other hand, the town government arranges personnel to help cooperate to timely clear the transportation of construction waste to prevent the river from blocking the river again. In the meantime, the Yuanhui District Procuratorate went to the scene to supervise. In late May, the two waste bridges involved in the case were completely demolished, and the Tanghe River channel was unblocked, ensuring the safety of flooding during the flood season.

The collapsed Longxi River Yinping section Qili Beach

The upstream river rushed to repair before the flood season

"At present, the main project of the dam has been completed, and the construction of the greening project is being stepped. In the next step, we will strengthen the duty and inspection during the flood period ..." A few days ago, in the upper reaches of Qili Beach, the Yinping section of Longxi River, Liangping District, Chongqing, Tang Junmei, mayor of Yinping Town The representatives of the Municipal and District Congress and members of the CPPCC will introduce the improvement of the rectification of the collapse of the river.

On January 6 this year, the Liangping District Procuratorate discovered a clue of public interest lawsuits from the Longxi River in a proposal from the local CPPCC. It turned out that in September last year, the river collapsed at the upper reaches of the Qilin section of the river, and the area of ​​collapse continued to expand under heavy rain and river water. Prosecutors found that the river collapse was about 150 meters, the widest at the widest was about 30 meters, and the height was about 4 meters. "The place where it was broken is that we have 3 acres of cultivated land. Before the sweet potato, the sweet potatoes were washed away." The residents living on the bank of the river hoped to repair the river as soon as possible.

On January 16, the Liangping District Procuratorate officially filed a case. However, the rivers collapse suddenly, how should the maintenance funds be solved? The CPPCC invited the District Water Conservancy Bureau and Yinping Town Government of the CPPCC held a public hearing. All parties reached a consensus: "The river must be repaired before the flood season!" River channels, and comprehensively investigate the hidden risks of the river to ensure the safety of the flood season.

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