Promote the implementation of the ocean voltage season fishing rest

Author:Putian News Time:2022.06.13

At present, is the ocean -off season fishing period. The Chengxiang District Procuratorate has taken a lot of measures to promote the implementation of the maritime -saving season fishing system.

With criminal strikes, it highlights the legal effect. The hospital insisted on catching and fast prosecution when handling illegal fishing aquatic products. Since 2022, it has reviewed and prosecuted and concluded 7 cases and 8 people in this type of case. Applicable to the fast -tailoring procedure to make fast knots, highlighting the legal effect of punishing fishery ecological resources.

The temperature of the public interest litigation highlights the ecological effect. When dealing with resource damage cases, the hospital focuses on filling the damage public interest. By file a public interest lawsuit, it will promote criminals while taking criminal liabilities, and to perform the release and release, pay ecological compensation, labor compensation, etc. Responsibility, repair damaged fishery resources.

With the depth of public hearing, highlighting social effects. Combined with the case of handling the case, the hospital listened to the people's supervisors and other hearing opinions in a public hearing on the facts of the case, subjective malignant, and after the repair of the case, and invited the villagers to listen. , Achieve the effect of handling a case, education, and influence. (Meizhou Daily reporter Lin Xiaoling correspondent Lin Dandan)

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