12348 and 12345 dual number parallel parallel provides you with all -weather unpaid legal consulting services

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.07.07

The reporter learned from the Municipal Public Legal Service Center yesterday that Jining City's "12348" public legal service hotline is merged and integrated with the "12345" government service hotline, retaining the dual number of numbers, and adopting the "7 × 24 hours" in the form of experts to provide citizens with unpaid citizens all over the weather. Legal consulting services have further improved the level of convenience services.

"Expert Sitting" is composed of an excellent lawyer sent by a high -quality legal service agency selected by the Municipal Public Legal Service Center. After systematic interpretation training through the government hotline platform, it will immediately enter the service status of the citizens. Provide citizens with free legal consulting services.

The Jining Public Legal Service Center actively negotiates with the "12345" hotline management department to establish a "legal consulting service module" and a relatively independent legal consultation unified work order in the "12345" hotline system to achieve real -time push to the judicial administrative department in real time. Accept the full data required for information, work orders, and return visits. Last year, Jining's "12348" hotline provided a total of 51,000 call service services, an increase of 15,000 comprehensive services over the previous year. Services and other businesses are concentrated in comprehensive and one -stop service windows. Among them, legal aid is an important people's livelihood project and social public welfare underarpted legal services such as citizens and special cases of citizens and special cases obtained according to law.

Since the beginning of this year, Jining City has deployed "legal aid migrant workers", "care for minors", "help disabled people" and "sending law into the camp" through strengthening the quality of legal aid quality, innovative legal service methods, service methods, and special groups. Since the series of "Law Aid Huihui Minsheng · Chunfeng", relying on the "12348" public legal service hotline and public legal service physical platform, the city has handled 9,687 legal aid cases in the first half of the year, and provided 278.5 million visitors to the masses. (Reporter Li Shengnan correspondent Li Yali)

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