The two brothers "Ant Moving" stole the crime, and the police arrested in one fell swoop

Author:Pole news Time:2022.07.07

Jimu Journalist Sun Zeyu

Correspondent Xie Wei

Since the launch of the "Hundred Days of Actions" in Wuhan Public Security Organs, Chegu Police paid close attention to small cases around the public's sense of security. By quick ways, they can maximize the loss of the masses and corporate losses. On July 6, Jimu Journalists learned from Che Valley Police that two criminal suspects who stole cables were successfully captured.

On June 30, the employees of Wuhan Fuxing Group factories reported to the Saogu Street Police Station: During the transfer of the factory area, the cables stacked outside the production workshop disappeared. After preliminary judgment, it was worth more than 30,000 yuan.

So many cables, who stole it? With various questions, Deputy Director Gu Zhaohua took the police Hu Peng and the auxiliary policeman Wan Shouzhi to conduct multiple investigations and obtaining evidence, visited more than 80 areas for three consecutive days, and arranged the suspect's activity trajectory one by one.

"Do you see, is this car suspicious?" After more than 3,000 hours of video surveillance information, the police handling police found that a silver -gray car appeared around the factory area before and after the crime. The most suspicious thing is that one night, the car appeared at the fence near the factory. Although the video surveillance was unclear, the police with many years of experience in handling cases saw that the suspect was secretly transferred to the cable.

In order to avoid the grass and snake, the police decided to wait for the rabbit. However, the police squatted for three consecutive days and three nights, and there was no trace of suspects. "This group will definitely come again, we have to keep a little more attention." The policeman Hu Peng decided that the suspect would not only do it only once. To this end, the police handling the case conducted uninterrupted video inspections near the factory, and found the suspects in an all -round way.

Sure enough, the suspect's vehicle appeared again in the area of ​​Saogi Street. At 9 am on June 27th, the police handling the case was divided into multiple groups and quickly rushed to the Hanhong highway into the outlet entrance to the city road to control. "Each group noticed that the suspected vehicles had appeared, and they were ready to be arrested!" At about 10 am on the same day, the police arrested the suspect Mao Mouqing and Mao Mouhua at the intersection of Xingshu Road in Xingcheng Avenue, Hannan District. On the same day, the police arrested the suspects at a waste products at a waste product in Hannan.

It is reported that Mao Mouqing and Mao Mou's Chinese cousin. Mao Mouqing explained that he was a packaging head, and often went in and out of various construction sites. One day, they flowed to a waste warehouse in the Fuxing Factory and found that the cables stacked outside the warehouse were unattended, and the two got up.

In order not to be discovered, the two brothers have sneaked into the factory to steal cables many times at night through the "ant move" method, illegally profitable for 75,000 yuan. Mao Mouqing told the police that the stolen money from these cables had been splurked by the two brothers.

After the suspect arrived, the police handling the case first notified the case to the victims, and instructed the enterprise to install technical defense equipment in key areas. Through the case, the shortcomings and hidden dangers were found to make a timely replenishment of the dead sheep. At present, the case is still being handled.

(The picture is provided by the correspondent)

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