[Executive dynamics] No property to execute?The court flexibly executes 52,000 yuan auction mobile phone number

Author:Huanghua Court Time:2022.07.12

More than 5,700 people were watching, 90 people set up reminders, 108 bids ... A mobile phone "pretty number" is under fierce auction. Recently, the Huanghua Court took auction of the use right of the "139xxxxx7777" mobile phone "beautiful number" on the Taobao judicial auction platform. The starting price was 23421, and eventually sold at a high price of 52,121 yuan, with a premium rate of 123%. Why does the court auction the mobile phone number? The reason for the matter will start from 2018.


In November 2018, the defendant Liu borrowed 50,000 yuan to the plaintiff Renmou in order to maintain the company's operation and issued an IOU for the plaintiff. Later, because Liu did not repay on schedule, Ren was helpless to file a lawsuit with the Huanghua Court. The court was judged by Liu to repay the principal of 50,000 yuan and interest from Renmou. After the judgment was issued, Liu did not fulfill his repayment obligations on schedule. The plaintiff applied to the court for mandatory execution.

Court execution

In July 2021, after the case entered the enforcement process, it was hosted by the Nanda Court of Huanghua Court. After receiving the case, the executive police have been unable to contact Liu Mou. In the face of the disappearance of the executed person, the executive police did not respond negatively, but quickly launched an investigation and promptly carried out the property under the name of the executed person Liu. The online investigation and control and offline inquiries found that the only real estate under its name has been auctioned according to law, and there are no other property available for execution. At the same time, the executive police officer issued a high -consumption order to him and incorporated it into the list of dishonestyes. After a few months, no clues of the executed person were still not executed.

The implementation of the execution was in an impasse, and the court ruled that the execution procedure was ended. But the executive police did not give up and still looked for clues. Kung Fu is worthy of care, and the executive police officer found that Liu had a mobile phone number 7777 under other cases. The policeman keenly noticed that the mobile phone number had certain property value. So he quickly went to Cangzhou Mobile Branch. After confirming the registered person who confirmed the number was indeed the executor of the case, he immediately seized the mobile phone number. Then entrust the company to evaluate the value of the above mobile phone number and issue an evaluation report. The evaluation value is displayed at 23421 yuan. After determining the value of the mobile phone number, the police will be auctioned the number through Taobao's judicial auction platform for the first time.

The picture shows the auction of the judicial auction platform on Taobao

On June 27, 2022, the number was 23,421 yuan as the starting price. After deducting the platform auction auxiliary fee and execution fee, the police officer hit the remaining 50121 yuan to the account of the applied executive Ren. Because the executed person still has no news so far, and the case interval is long, Ren Mou voluntarily gave up the rest of the remaining. Interest. Ren who got the money ordered the court's "exhaustive implementation measures and innovative implementation methods".


Article 127 of the "People's Republic of China" stipulates: "The protection of data and network virtual property in the law in accordance with its provisions." This article announced that through the provisions of the cause Protection also proves the "property" attribute of virtual property. Today, the scope of personal property is not limited to cash, deposits, real estate, vehicles, etc. in the traditional sense. Various data, online game equipment, Q coins, mobile phone number and other virtual property Sexuality and exclusiveness also belong to the "other property rights" that can be executed by the court.

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