Youth flutter!"Understand China along the Yangtze River -Hubei Qianli Yangtze River" young people play the main force of the visiting delegation

Author:Yangtze River Time:2022.07.18

Reporter Wan Jianhui Zhao Mengmeng Liu Yuanhang Wang Weiqi Bao Meng

The visiting team set off from the Yellow Crane Tower of the Millennium Building and walked on the first bridge of the Wanli Yangtze River. Photo by the reporter Xu Wei Wei, a reporter from the Yangtze River Daily

The visiting group walked on the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge. Puzhou Technology S400 Professional Class Care Rotor Drone Airlines.

On the morning of July 18th, "Reading China -Hubei Qianli Yangtze River Travel" was launched under the yellow crane building of the Millennium Building along the Yangtze River. Gathering the scene to witness and participate in this creative Yangtze cultural resource visits. After receiving the banner, everyone walked through the first bridge of the Yangtze River. Under the bridge, the Yangtze River runs around the Yangtze River day and night; on both sides of the strait, the thousand -year -old context represented by the Yellow Crane Tower and Guqintai is endless.

9 -year -old girl Miao Zhuoxuan: It is worth learning to learn from the Yangtze River culture, and even more sweat!

"I defeated myself!" Miao Zhuoxuan walked on the Yangtze River Bridge, 40 degrees+. Photo by a trainee reporter Zhao Mengmeng

"The Yangtze River crossing the Yangtze River, Chu Tianshu!" On the walkway of the Yangtze River Bridge, a little girl recited poetry loudly.

The girl named Miao Zhuoxuan, who is 9 years old, is a third -year student in Huangpi Road Elementary School in Jiang'an District, Wuhan City. She and her mother Fu Hongwei signed up for the visit. Fu Hongwei runs a photography studio. The work and life are closely related to the Yangtze River. Walking and playing with water in Jiangtan is the best memory of the family. After being informed of recruiting citizens to participate in the news of the Yangtze River Cultural Exploration Group, Fu Hongwei immediately reported his name and his children. "The child is already in the third grade. I want to take her to understand the Yangtze River, understand Chu culture, and provide spiritual nutrition for her growth."

On the first bridge of the Yangtze River, Miao Zhuoxuan couldn't restrain excitement: "This is the first time I have walked through the Yangtze River Bridge. I can learn more about the cultural knowledge of the Yangtze River.

College student Zhang Chuanhui: The most impressed by Chu Cultural and Red Revolutionary Culture in Hubei

Zhang Chuan Huizi (right) of Wuhan University v for Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge. Reporter Liu Bin Photo

"Only when you really come to the bridge in person and finish this bridge, can you feel its majesty and spectacular." For the first time, he boarded the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge and walked through the whole process. Looking up at the bridge next to the river, today I finally came up. I have a new feeling of the poem of the "One Bridge Flying Bridge, the Tiandi changes the way". "

Zhang Chuan Huizi is a native of Nanning, Guangxi. When it comes to Wuhan and the Yangtze River, the first thing she thought of was "Nine provinces." Wuhan's status as an important transportation hub in Central China. "

After coming to Wuhan to go to college, she and her classmates often went to the Yangtze River to play cards. "Take the sunset and go to and from the two banks of the river to watch the sunset and take pictures; ascending the sound number, accompanied by the melodious music, there is really a feeling of crossing." Zhang Chuan Huizi said that when the night fell, everyone rose together to sit on the side of the river together. Seeing the brilliant lights on both sides of the strait, "I feel that I have re -understood this gentle and romantic city again."

"My most impressed by Hubei is the Chu Culture and Red Revolutionary Culture, such as the celebrities of Chu Guo Qu Yuan and the Wuhan Revolutionary Museum, all of which are well -known in the country." Zhang Chuan Huizi said that along the cultural context of the ancient and modern culture of the Yangtze River, The thousand -year -old historical scroll is worth exploring. "I want to participate in the visits of the Xiangyang Metropolitan Circle most. There are natural landscapes such as Shennongjia and Wudang Mountain, as well as historical monuments and venues such as Xiangyang Ancient City and Yixian Museum. In the historic sites on both sides of the strait, touch the Yangtze River Culture in Hubei. "

College student Zhou Yongyi: If you want to know the Yangtze River culture, walk through the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge is just the first step of a thousand miles

Zhou Yongyi, a 2020 -level English major at the School of Foreign Languages ​​at Hubei University of Technology, participated in the "Light and understand China -Hubei Qianli Yangtze River Travel" along the Yangtze River. Zhou Yongyi's picture

"Today is the first time I have walked through the Yangtze River Bridge. The true power of self -reliance, wanting to understand the Yangtze River culture, walking through the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge is only the first step of a thousand miles."

Zhou Yongyi, a 2020 English major in the School of Foreign Languages, Hubei University of Technology, is also a member of this visit. The sweat on the forehead cannot hide her excitement. "The Yangtze River is the source of inspiration and is a very important image in Chinese poetry. The boldness of the waters of the Yangtze River east, there is also the euphemism of the "Daily Si Si Jun, I don't see the monarch, and drink the Yangtze River water."

Walking on the Yangtze River Bridge, the Jiangfeng seemed to blew the heat of summer. "The magnificent and magnificent of the Yangtze River are shocking. We are in awe of the Yangtze River." When talking about the original intention of participating in the event, Zhou Yongyi said: "I want to witness the unique charm of the Yangtze River culture with my own eyes. The magnificent beauty of the Yangtze River inherits the responsibility and feelings of the guardians of the Yangtze River. "

Touch the bottom of the family, promote the launch, and take the lead in acting in Hubei

Ren Jun, a second -level investigator of the Resources Development Division of the Hubei Provincial Department of Culture Travel, who participated in the launching ceremony, said that the country has launched the construction of the Yangtze River Cultural Park, involving 13 provinces across the country, and 7 key provinces have actively acted.EssenceThis time, "understand China -Hubei Qianli Yangtze River Bank" media publicity and promotion, and formed a visiting group to visit the family of the Yangtze River Culture and Archeology, Culture, and Tourism Resources in Hubei.Citizens and college students participated in folk operations, creating the atmosphere of building the Yangtze River National Cultural Park, and setting off a wave of high -quality promotion of the construction of the Yangtze River National Cultural Park.In the context of actively promoting the construction of the Yangtze River National Cultural Park, Hubei took the lead in letting the central and government departments and the public see our Yangtze cultural resources and our actions and determination.[Edit: Xiong Zhanping]

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