From 0:00 on July 18 to 15:00, a new infected infected person and 1 case -associated infection in Beijing were added. The current overseas and Beijing inputs are the main risks facing the prevention and control of the Beijing epidemic.

Author:Beijing released Time:2022.07.18

On the afternoon of July 18, the Beijing Municipal Government News Office organized the 380th press conference of the Beijing New Crown Pneumonia Epidemium. The relevant persons in charge of the Office of the Leading Group of China Aviation Group Co., Ltd., the relevant person in charge of the Office of the Leading and Control Group, Shunyi District, and Municipal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention attended the latest epidemic situation to introduce the situation related to the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Liu Xiaofeng, deputy director of the Beijing Disease Prevention and Control Center, informed the latest epidemic in Beijing and issued a health reminder:

From 00:00 on July 18th to 15:00, a new case of newly entered the new crown pneumonia virus infection and 1 case of the infection (infected 1) of the soil -associated infection (infected) have been transferred to a designated hospital isolation treatment. Related risk points and personnel have been controlled Fall.

Overseas input infected

As an international flight crew, he entered the country from outside Beijing on July 14 and arrived at the Capital International Airport on July 15. During the Beijing Health Monitoring, there was no need to implement the regulations without implementation. On July 17, he went to Xiangyun Town to dine, watch movies, shopping, and take public transportation. Symptoms such as throat itching occurred on July 17. On July 18, the test results of the nucleic acid test were positive. The diagnosis of the same day was a confirmed case, and the clinical type was mild.

Local associated infection

For the wife of the infected infected person, he now lives in Liqiao Town City (Bangshe) apartment in Shunyi District. On July 18, the nucleic acid test was performed as a close contact person.

Health reminder

At present, inputs overseas and Beijing are the main risks facing the prevention and control of the city's epidemic. We must always adhere to the general strategy of “external prevention input and internal defense rebound”, strictly grasp the management of immigrants and the management of people entering Beijing. It is necessary to compress the "four -party responsibility". Key units and industries must effectively fulfill the main responsibilities, strengthen the management of immigration personnel and return to Beijing to regulate management, consciously abide by epidemic prevention requirements, and strictly implement epidemic prevention measures such as centralized isolation and home health monitoring. For newly infected people, it is necessary to adhere to fast -moving, parallel promotion, Japan -clearing and Japan, and quickly investigate and control risk personnel and points.

During the summer vacation, personnel flow increased, increasing the risk of epidemic dissemination, reminding citizens and friends to travel or travel if they do not go to high -risk areas and reports to confirmed cases. When transportation such as trains, subways, bus, etc., wearing masks must be standardized throughout the process, and various prevention and control measures such as temperature measurement scanning and checking nucleic acid certificates are checked; after staying at hotels and hotels When waiting in line, pay attention to maintaining a safe distance with others, and stay in a crowded place for a long time.

Pay close attention to the physical condition of yourself and the family after returning from returning, do a good job of health monitoring, do not participate in social activities, do not take public transportation, do not get online, and wear masks, such as fever, dry cough, etc. In the early days of going to a nearby hospital, a hot clinic should be medical treatment in accordance with regulations, and cooperated with the development of nucleic acid testing and epidemiological surveys, informing the doctor to inform the doctor's history, contact history, and physical abnormalities.

Beijing New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Press Conference Broadcast Channel:

Webcasting Platform: Beijing released by Beijing Municipal People's Government News Office (Weibo Kuaishou Douyin Account),, Window of the Capital, Beijing Daily Client, Beijing Youth Daily Beijing Headline Client, Beijing Youth Daily Beijing Toutiao Client, Beijing Youth Daily Listen to the FM client, Beijing time, People's Daily Beijing Channel, People's Video Client, Xinhua News Agency client, video special line, Xinhuanet Beijing Channel, CCTV News client, CCTV Finance Client, China Daily official Weibo client, official Weibo client, China Daily Chinese network

Broadcasting platform: Beijing Radio and Television Taiwan Beijing Traffic Broadcasting, Beijing News Broadcasting Mailing Play Live

TV platform: Beijing TV Station News Channel live broadcast live broadcast

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