Changping District and Chifeng City in -depth docking in the work of Beijing -Meng Mongolia

Author:Beijing Changping officially r Time:2022.07.18

Today (July 18) in the afternoon, Changping District held a symposium on the work of Changping District and Chifeng City Jingmeng to connect the work of Beijing -Meng Mongolia. The district party secretary Gan Jingzhong presided over the meeting, and Wan Chaoqi, secretary of the Chifeng Municipal Party Committee, attended.

Wan Chaoqi thanked Changping's long -term gratitude to the help and support of Chifeng Arukorqin Banner (hereinafter referred to as "Aqi") in the aspects of poverty alleviation, rural rejuvenation, and industrial development. He said that since the establishment of counterpart assistance relations, Changping has continued to devote his efforts to Aqi from the aspects of projects, funds, technology, and talents. Ecological tourism has achieved joy.

Wan Chaoqi pointed out that hoping to further deepen the exchange and cooperation between Changping and Aqi on the basis of long -term cooperation, so that Changping's good experience in industrial development, cultural tourism integration, rural revitalization and other aspects Rural and pastoral areas with Mongolian characteristics. Chifeng City will also take this as an opportunity to make full use of the advantageous resources of Chifeng and Changping, deepen the advantages of the two parties, strengthen industrial connection, and promote common development.

Gan Jingzhong welcomed the arrival of the Chifeng Municipal Party and Government delegation. He pointed out that Aqi has rich ecological resources and has a certain industrial foundation in terms of agriculture, animal husbandry, tourism and other aspects. Changping also has unique advantages in ecology, industry, transportation, and cultural tourism. It is hoped that Changping and Aqi will take this exchange as an opportunity to continue to carry out high -level, wide -level, deep, and multi -form exchanges and cooperation on the basis of giving full play to their respective advantages.

Gan Jingzhong emphasized that it is necessary to continue to take Jing and Mongolia's work as a matter of affairs and responsibilities in Changping, and to do a good job of assistance in all aspects. Relevant departments must strictly implement the "three maintenance" and "four non -picking" requirements to ensure that the intensity is not reduced and the standards will not decrease. The results of poverty alleviation consolidate and expand. It is necessary to focus on industrial cooperation, and actively guide Changping's enterprises, individuals and social capital to invest in Aqi to invest in business, and continuously enhance the local hematopoietic capacity and endogenous motivation. Changping will also cooperate with Chifeng to cooperate and develop together to jointly plan and work together to achieve the effect of consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and the effective connection of the same rural rejuvenation, creating a model for regional cooperation in services and integration into the new development pattern, and solidly promote common prosperity.

The meeting listened to the relevant situation of Aqi Jingmeng Cooperation work, and reported on the implementation of various work in Changping District to help Aqi.

Wang Zhaolong, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Beijing Municipality, Wang Zhaolong, the district leaders Yang Renquan and Wang Jian, the leaders of Chifeng City, the effective friends, Yang Mu, and Wei Bili, the secretary of the Arukorqin Banner, attended.

Text/Sun Shiwei Tu/Mu Haoxing

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