The city's economic operation scheduling meeting was held

Author:Hohhot Evening News Time:2022.07.18

The city's economic operation scheduling meeting was held to host and spoke Chang Peizhong Cao Siyang attended

On July 18, the city's economic operation dispatch meeting was held, analyzing the current economic operation, and arrangements for economic work in the second half of the year. The Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee chaired the meeting and delivered a speech. Chang Peizhong and relevant city leaders made comments.

At the meeting, the city's main economic indicators were completed in the first half of the year, and the economic work reports of relevant departments in various regions were reported. , Taxation, foreign trade work.

The meeting pointed out that in the first half of this year, the city's economic operation was generally stable and stable, and various economic indicators were better, and the results were not easy. All regions and departments should continue to strengthen their confidence, make a goal, and take motivation. In accordance with the requirements of the party committee and government of the autonomous region, we will effectively keep the bottom line of "steady", do a good job of "entering", and the sense of urgency and slowness of unable to sit still. The sense of crisis and unable to wait for the sense of responsibility, take the initiative to do it, do our best, go all out to complete the annual economic goals and tasks, and contribute the capital for the high -quality development of the autonomous region.

The meeting emphasized that to strengthen the scheduling of economic operation, all regions and departments must dispatch the indicators operation, project entry, and factor guarantee. They are good at seeing problems and grasping work through indicators to comprehensively improve the level of statistical work, strengthen investment projects to enter the warehouse management management , Achieve the truth, should fulfill the system. It is necessary to effectively promote the policy to the market to ensure that the funds are allocated in time, the protection of land, electricity, and water is guaranteed in place, and the construction of projects to be approved, idle land, precipitated funds, "half -pull" projects and development zones. Make good use of talent policies and platforms to gather talents for high -quality development. It is necessary to give full play to the role of project investment, make every effort to promote the construction of projects that have not started, do a good job of project reserves of next year, strive for more national and autonomous regions project funding support, focus on the capital industry positioning, increase investment promotion efforts, promote the reserves of the formation of steps for continuation of steps. pattern. To increase the entry threshold for projects, we must not exchange the interest at the expense of the ecological environment. It is necessary to do a good job in the improvement of the business environment, increase the intensity of "putting", enhance the ability of "management", and improve the accuracy of "service". It is necessary to give play to the guarantee role of urban functions, grasp infrastructure improvement, accelerate the construction of urban renewal projects, improve the promotion of social undertakings, and implement new and expanded projects in schools and hospitals. It is necessary to grasp the improvement of consumption power, promote consumption such as business, catering, cultural tourism, housing, and activate the consumption "main engine". It is necessary to play the role of various types of personnel, increase support for the real economy of the private economy, implement the policy of tax cuts and fees, and really help enterprises to relieve difficulties. It is necessary to increase the equipment for the cadres of government economic departments so that professional people do professional things. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of a municipal state -owned enterprise team to comprehensively enhance the overall strength and profitability of the enterprise. It is necessary to coordinate development and safety, do a good job of preventing and controlling the normalization epidemic, pay close attention to safety production, effectively prevent fiscal and financial risks, and do a good job of petitioning and stability.

Cao Siyang and other city leaders attended the meeting, and some private enterprises were invited to attend the meeting.

Source: Hohhot Daily reporter Yun Jing Picture: Liu Qingyu

Coordination/Liang Jingyuan School Reading/Liang Jingyuan Preliminary Audit/Zhang Yao Zhang Yao Final Trial/Zhao Min



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