The Provincial Public Security Department held a video conference on the province's public security organs and then emphasized the deployment of epidemic prevention and control and maintenance and stability

Author:Gansu Public Security Time:2022.07.18

On July 18, the Provincial Department held a video conference on public security organs in the province to convey the spirit of instructions of the Provincial Party Secretary Yin Hong and Governor Ren Zhenhe during the investigation and guidance of the epidemic in the Provincial Public Security Department. Do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic and maintaining stability. Huang Ruixue, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Public Security Department, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting emphasized that since a new round of epidemic on July 7, the province's public security organs have taken the prevention and control of the epidemic as the most important and important political task. Continuously combat, do a lot of arduous and effective work, providing strong support for the overall situation of the overall epidemic prevention and control. At present, the situation in the province's epidemic situation is still severe and complicated. It is necessary to optimize the method of fighting, in order to quickly improve, change to respond, new response, and master the initiative. We must make every effort to trace the origin, and classify the strategies according to the epidemic situation in various places, make every effort to do a good job in social screening, "amplifier" venue research and judgment, confidentially connected personnel rehearsal, positive personnel tracking control, dissemination chain analysis and other work, in the shortest time Helps block the channels for epidemic dissemination. It is necessary to make every effort to do a good job of social and control, strengthen the protection of key parts, network information inspections, resolution of contradictions and disputes, and anti -criminal criminals in the immune, and fully serve the overall situation of the epidemic prevention and control. It is necessary to make every effort to internal management, comprehensively strengthen the safety management of supervisors, agencies, and front -line duty police, strictly implement measures such as nucleic acid testing, closed -loop management, strict control of gathering, etc., with protective supplies, carried out active police measures, and ensuring internal safety inside safety Essence

The meeting also emphasized the deployment of key tasks such as maintaining stability and stability and stability, "100 -day operations" and "anti -guns and explosion".

Xiao Chun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Director of the Provincial Public Security Department, chaired the meeting. Feng Yi, a member of the Party Committee, Deputy Director and Police Department of the Provincial Public Security Department, Feng Yi, and the heads of police officers of the department and authorities attended the meeting at the main venue. The meeting opened to the county level in the form of video.

Release: Political Department of the Political Department of the Public Security Department of Gansu Province

Edit: Tibetan Blue Summer

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