He is the "broadcaster" of advanced education concepts -remembering nuclear objects and educators, Yang Fujia, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Author:Guangming Daily Time:2022.07.19

Yang Fujia Information Picture


"Without hesitation and unrealistic pride", an excellent scientist ended his exploration of the micro -world.

The well -known nuclear physicist and educator, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (academician), Yang Fujia, the former principal of Fudan University, died in Shanghai on July 17 at the age of 86.

The world's nostalgia for him is endless.

"Pursuit of excellence" is his belief in his life. He stood at the forefront of physics and achieved significant results in atomic nuclear spectrology, nuclear decay analysis, and ion beam research. He created the field of domestic ion beam analysis research and made outstanding contributions to my country's application physics research.

He is the "firefire" of advanced education concepts. He has been a well -known university president at home and abroad for many years, and has made outstanding contributions to my country's higher education and international exchanges. While serving as the president of Fudan University, he launched a plan for "Famous Professor's Basic Course" and proposed "creating more opportunities for young people"; he promoted the founding of the first Chinese and foreign cooperative universities in my country The principal has so far. He regards each student as "the fire type to be ignited". He actively advocates a diversified evaluation system, encouraging research universities, general universities, vocational universities and other types of colleges and universities to promote international exchanges with Chinese and foreign education.

"Learn to ask questions, not learn to answer questions"

Yang Fu's family, ancestral native Zhejiang Zhenhai, Zhejiang, was born in Shanghai in 1936. In 1954, he graduated from Shanghai Gezhi Middle School and was admitted to the Department of Physics of Fudan University with excellent grades. Since then, he has been puzzled with Fudan University and physics disciplines.

At the beginning of the school gate, Yang Fu's family benefited from the traditional class of "Famous Teachers on the Famous Teachers" in Lao Fudan. In the first year of freshman, in the atomic nuclear theoretical class set up by the first -level professor Lu Heyi, he realized the "beauty of physics" and since then in the field of nuclear physics.

In 1963, Yang Fujia was selected to be sent to the Bohr Institute of Danish to be a visiting scholar. He made important research results in only one year and verified the predictions of two Nobel scholars in the institute for a nuclear movement state. For two years in the world's first -class laboratory, he was in his heart to establish a laboratory with an international standard in his land.

In 1978, Yang Fujia was appointed director of the Department of Optomical nuclear science at Fudan University. He built the first -class "accelerator -based atom and nuclear physics laboratory" in China, and at the same time trained the first batch of doctoral physics of experimental physics in China.

"Learned and ambitious, think about it and think about it." Yang Fu's family most appreciates the second words in each sentence of Fudan's school motto- "learning" and "asking". He said: "Learning is to learn questions, not to learn questions. You must ask questions to improve questions. If there is no problem, you will not create. Teachers must also encourage students to ask questions."

As a teacher, he is good at discovering students' flash points. "If you want to find your own fire, you will take off when you ignite." He said to the students that finding accurate advantages and specialties than one -sided focus on scores is more important. You must "recognize what he is good at doing and not good at doing".

The teachers and students of Fudan know that in the office of the Institute of Modern Physics, the Yang Fu family always worked with the dim lighting case and did not feel the flow of age. From now on, this scene can only be sealed in memory.

"Create more opportunities for young people"

In February 1993, Yang Fujia became the president of Fudan University in New China. Unforgettable that he was appointed at the age of 24 as an atomic deputy director. After taking office, his first move was to create more opportunities for young people.

Soon, Fudan emerged from the 20 -year -old professor, the dean of the 30 -year -old second college, and the director of the national key laboratory in his 40s. At that time, the average age of teachers and cadres of Fudan University was the youngest in universities across the country and the campus was vibrant.

In the memories of Jin Xiaofeng, a professor at the Department of Physics at Fudan University, the concept of "giving young people and caring for the Fudan" proposed by Yang Fu's family gave the opportunity to emerge at the same time as him at that time. "At that time, Fudan opened a special channel for the development of young teachers, and at the same time, it was given care of the older generation of teachers." He said.

In work, teaching, scientific research, and service are emphasizing the style advocated by Yang Fu's family, and it is also the idea of ​​his own practice. He asked the professor to take a class for undergraduates and launch the "Famous Professor's Basic Course" plan, "first of all, how to be a person in a teaching student." The classroom of Yang Fujia himself was also popular with students. Even if he stepped down as the principal, Yang Fujia, who was already in his 60s, still received invitations to start a week to teach an atomic physics course for undergraduates. The "Atomic Physics" he wrote was officially published in 1985. It has been revised to the 5th edition so far. It is still the only "standard" in the relevant professional textbooks in China.

During the president of Yang Fu's family, Fudan University made a change in undergraduate teaching, and the undergraduate teaching and research of Fudan also set out a number of "first chess". In 1998, Fudan University participated in the "political scholars" plan set up by Mr. Li Zhengdao and began the scientific research plan of undergraduate students. This is the first domestic scientific research plan in the domestic undergraduate that "a mentor with a student" model. The purpose is not to allow undergraduates to enter the graduate learning stage in advance, but to allow students to understand the way of thinking about scientific research and how to ask about scientific research and solve problems. "This was a shock in that era." Xu Lei, vice president of Fudan University.

On the basis of the "Political Scholars" program, Fudan University has developed projects such as "Wangdao" and "Xi Yuan" for undergraduate participation, and then improves the "Fudan University Undergraduate Academic Research Funding Plan" system. Take care of applications. In 2007, my country established an innovation and entrepreneurial plan for national college students facing all universities. The step of Fudan has gone early for nearly ten years. "Students' minds are not containers that are in full swing, but the fire species to be ignited."

In 2001, Yang Fujia served as the president of the University of Nottingham, Britain, and became the first Chinese to serve as a well -known university president in the UK.

In 2004, Ningbo's Nottingham University was established, and the Yang Fu family, nearly seventy -year -old, became the first principal.

For many years of the president of well -known and foreign universities at home, Yang Fujia has deep insights on the development of higher education in China and talent training. He advocates the concept of Bo Ya education and has actively made suggestions and texts on various occasions to promote China's higher education reform.

Ningbo University University is "born", which is inseparable from the background of China's reform and opening up and internationalization of education. It is also inseparable from the planning and promotion of Yang Fu's family. "I am from Shanghai Ningbo, and I have a certain relationship with Ningbo. Promoting the founding of Ningbo Nottingham University is also to return to my hometown!" Yang Fu's family said.

Xu Yafen, chairman of Ningbo University University, recalled that before the school was founded, China had just joined the World Trade Organization and urgently needed talents with an international perspective. of. In order to introduce the "authentic" British education concept to China, the Yang Fu family played an important bridge role, and actively communicated and coordinated between the administrative department, investors and foreign parties.

"Students' minds are not containers to play knowledge, but to be ignited." Yang Fu's family shared his educational philosophy many times during his lifetime. Xu Yafen introduced that there was a slogan "first -class academic creation talents" on the school reception hall. After the suggestion of Yang Fu's family, it was changed to "first -class academic achievements in first -class talents." From "creation" to "achievement", it is from the model of batch production graduates to the stage of providing personalized growth for students, which is connected with the concept of "ignition fire".

In the eyes of Shen Wei, the vice president of the University of Nottingham Ningbo, Yang Fu's family was a vigorous and approachable scholar. He recalled that Yangfu's family, who was busy with affairs, often held work around the world. Often, a new meeting could be held as soon as possible, and the next step was clearly carried out. Whether facing managers, teachers, school workers or students, Yang Fu's family is always very kind. Yang Fujia also donated personal savings to set up a "Dream Scholarship" to motivate students who have shown excellent potential in the second class.

Just a week ago, the 2022 students of Ningbo University University ushered in the graduation ceremony. Opening the ceremony manual, the students saw Yang Fu's entrustment: "Classmates, the world we live in today still faces many problems and challenges. I hope you can use your own fire no matter where you go to and what industry you are engaged in. The world is glowing and heating. I sincerely hope that every Ningbo Notting Chinese student can ignite the fire species and realize our dreams. We together build the 'Chinese dream' of the Chinese nation together.

(Reporter Yan Weiqi Zeng Yi, a correspondent Hu Huizhong)

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