14 cities and two rounds of soil auction of 378.5 billion yuan of streaming and withdrawal plots are significantly reduced from the first round

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.07.19

On July 18, Guangzhou's second batch of centralized land supply was officially launched auction. Judging from the results of the transfer, 11 plots were successfully transferred, and 3 plots were successfully shot, with a total of 20.956 billion yuan in gold, a overall premium rate of 6.55%, and a flow shooting rate of 27.27%.

"This land transfer is clearly differentiated, and real estate companies still pay attention to profit components. When this round of concentrated land is listed, most plots cancel the competition self -holding part. After the land is touched It is more convenient for project development profits. "Zhang Kai, head of the Land Division of the Central Independence Research Institute, told a reporter from the Securities Daily that the highest -popular lottery plot" Tianhe District Yantang Place ", the top price was 8.11 billion yuan The floor price is 48,000 yuan/square meter. The current offer of the second -hand housing of Tianhe Jinmao Mansion around the plot has reached 86,000 yuan to 99,000 yuan/square meter. The profit space of the new house is considerable, and it has become the target of many real estate companies.

"Guangzhou's this round of soil auction highlights the characteristics of 'lean improving'." Guan Rongxue, an analyst of Zhuge Housing Data Research Center, told the Securities Daily reporter that compared with the first round of concentrated land supply, the concentrated land supply transaction rate declined The phenomenon of flow shooting has increased, but the proportion of land supply in the central area has increased, and the emergence of high -quality plots has emerged. To a certain extent, the enthusiasm of real estate companies to pick up land is increased. The overall premium rate increases by 5.35 percentage points from the previous round.

"Poly developed 3, Yuexiu Real Estate won 2, and the Pearl River Industry was shot. Most of the rest were competed by local platform companies." Zhang Kai said that from the moment, he has strong financial advantages, good financing capabilities and good financing capabilities and good financing capabilities and good financing capabilities and good financing capabilities. Real estate companies with sufficient cash flow are more positive in the land market, and they can also provide security guarantees for their development and construction.

It is worth noting that the Central Finger Research Institute has statistics. As of July 18, 19 cities in 22 cities have launched a second batch of centralized land supply announcements. 14 cities have completed the transfer. Essence Among them, the premium of 62 plots reached the upper limit, and the upper limit transaction accounted for 19.9%; the bottom price of 208 plots, accounting for 66.7%; a total of 26 streaming and withdrawal plots, a significant decrease from the first batch of concentrated land.

"In the first half of this year, the performance of real estate companies' sales and financing was relatively weak, and land investment movements were shrinking. However, under the achievements of the prevention and control of the epidemic, the sales market sales side has shown signs of recovery in May. Then get a certain amount of supply. "Guan Rongxue said that it is expected that the supply side of the land market in the second half of the year will make efforts, and the transaction will rise accordingly.

"The land market will be further differentiated." In the view of Song Hongwei, the research director of the Tongce Research Institute, on the one hand, it is reflected in the differentiation between cities, such as the performance of the first -line core cities; on the other hand In terms of differentiation, for example, the competition in the core area is more intense, or it may touch the premium, but the outskirts may be shot.

"Overall, the signs of recovery in the two batches of land supply in some cities are obvious, and the overall land market transactions are becoming more and more stable." Zhang Kai said that most cities this year will be adjusted to four batches, and pre -announcement will be introduced. Methods, the rhythm of land transfer has changed significantly compared with the same period last year. While decentralizing the pressure of land acquisition funds, the enterprise has better grasping the land research and judgment rhythm. Next, it is expected that more high -quality companies will participate in more high -quality sites, and the land market will operate more steadily.

Guan Rongxue said that with the gradual recovery of market confidence, the financing environment has been further improved, and private housing companies are willing to gradually increase their wishes.

Securities Daily reporter Wang Lixin

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