Economic Daily: The expected goal of the annual CPI increase of about 3 % can be achieved

Author:Dahe Cai Cube Time:2022.07.19

In the first half of the year, my country's prices continued to run in a reasonable range. The average increase in the consumer price index (CPI) of residents rose by 1.7%, which was significantly lower than that of other major economies, and was in sharp contrast to the international high inflation.

The stability of the price of the price is stable, and it also stabilizes the basic disk to deal with the global uncertain impact. Since the beginning of this year, international energy and grain prices have risen sharply, and the inflation of major economies such as the United States and Europe has remained high. In recent months, the US CPI increase has reached more than 8%. At present, my country has deeply integrated into the global economy, and the continuous rise in international commodity prices has objectively increased the pressure of input inflation in my country, which has a greater impact on domestic gasoline and natural gas prices.

The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to stable prices. Since the beginning of this year, the relevant departments have continued to strengthen the construction of important commodity supply and storage systems such as food and coal in accordance with the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. Basically stable.

The difficulty of stabilizing the price of prices has reflected the significant results of my country's in the fields of the construction of the supply and storage system of important people's livelihood and key commodity products in recent years. Superiority is a concrete manifestation of the people -centered development thinking.

At present, the foundation of my country's economic recovery is still unstable, and economic growth is facing many uncertain factors. In this context, stabilizing prices is not only the need for people's livelihood protection, but also the main focus of stabilizing the basic market for economic growth in the second half of the year. In particular, the prices of commodities such as food, energy, and basic materials may still run at a high level in the second half of the year. Geopolical conflicts over the stack of domestic local epidemics may have a certain impact on my country's economic growth, and then disturb the price trend. In this regard, we still cannot take it lightly.

The key to stable prices is grain production and energy supply. In terms of grain production, we must adhere to the stability of the word and steady progress, and make every effort to stabilize the people's "rice bags", "vegetable basket" and "oil jar". , We must continue to increase coal production and increase adoption, improve the coal market price formation mechanism, guide coal prices to operate in a reasonable range, and stabilize electricity prices and use stable energy costs through stable coal prices. Essence

It should be emphasized that stable prices must prevent the rapid rise in prices and form severe inflation, but also prevent the continuous decline of prices to form currency tightening. It is necessary to stabilize the total amount of currency, reject "large water permeability", effectively respond to external factors such as the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes, and ensure that the liquidity is reasonable and abundant. In addition, while doing a good job in the stable operation of the consumer field, we must also strive to promote the price operation of the production field in a reasonable range to more effective the risk of hedging input inflation to hedge input inflation.

Overall, with the efficient advancement of the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, the positive results of the normalized epidemic prevention and control, and the gradual release of various policies effects of the central economic market, the positive factors for stable prices in the second half of the year It is still increasing. The expected goal of the annual CPI increase of about 3%can be achieved.

Responsible editor: Tao Jiyan | Review: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei

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