4 cases of confirmed cases and 9 symptoms of infected infected in Guangdong on the 18th

Author:Golden sheep net Time:2022.07.19

At 0-24 on July 18, there were 4 new local diagnosis cases in Guangdong (3 cases in Shenzhen, 1 case of Foshan); 9 cases of new native symptoms were added (5 cases of Shenzhen, 1 case of Zhuhai, 1 case of Huizhou, ZhongshanTwo cases); another case of asymptomatic infection of the soil transferred to the diagnosed case (1 case of Zhuhai).There are 8 new overseas input cases in the province (4 cases in Guangzhou, 3 cases in Shenzhen, and 1 case of Huizhou); 10 cases of new overseas input non -symptoms (5 cases in Guangzhou, 3 cases in Shenzhen, 1 case of Zhuhai, 1 case of Foshan, 1 case of Foshan); Another case of an input of asymptomatic infections was transferred to the diagnosed case (1 case in Guangzhou).

38 new hospitalizations in the province (14 cases input overseas), and currently 274 cases in the hospital (123 cases were entered overseas); 11 patients with no symptoms of medical observations were added194 infected people (76 cases were entered overseas).

As of 24:00 on July 18, there were 16,637 cases of 16,637 cases of new crownal lung inflammatory infection (10,824 cases input overseas), of which 7,824 were confirmed (4,235 overseas inputs), and 8,813 cases were asymptomatic (6,589 cases were entered overseas).Essence

Source | Guangdong Health Commission

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