Special Action for "Clear and Summer Summer 2022 Summer Network Environmental Rectification"

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.19

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The launching ceremony of the special action launching ceremony of the "Qinglang · Summer of the Summer 2022" was shot on July 18. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin by Li Xin

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 18 (Reporter Wang Sibei) Special Action for the Special Action for the Special Correspondence of Cyber ​​Environmental Rectification in the Summer of 2022 "was launched on the 18th in Beijing. The reporter learned from the launching ceremony that the special operation is 2 months. It will focus on short videos, live broadcasts, social, learning APPs, online games, e -commerce, children's smart devices and other platforms with high frequency of minors to focus on solving the people It reflects the chaotic phenomenon of minors involving minors.

The launching ceremony of the special operation of the "Clear and Summer of the Summer of 2022" was jointly held by the Central Cyberspace Office, the Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Education, the Communist Youth League Central Committee, and the National Women's Federation.

The reporter learned that the special operation included 10 aspects of rectification priorities including strict control and control of the privacy of minors, severely investigating and dealing with 10 aspects such as the induction of minors participating in live broadcast rewards, and investigating and dealing with the provision of online game account rental and sale services to minors.

Among them, strictly control the violations of the personal privacy of minors, and will investigate and deal with online bullying behaviors such as attacks, insults and abuse of minors, and clean up the dirty words such as adverse orientation to minors. Seriously investigate and deal with the use of "net red children" to make profits, let minors make indecent posture, sexual hints to attract traffic problems, and rectify the behavior of inducing minors to do dangerous actions. At the same time, we will urge the website platform to not provide network anchor services for minors under 16 years of age, and severely investigate and deal with the issue of inducing minors to participate in live rewards.

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