Luodian Hongshuihe Town: Xinxianxian leads the new style to help the village rejuvenation

Author:Yunqiannan Time:2022.07.19

In recent years, Hongshuihe Town, Luodian County has promoted the construction of the grass -roots "Xiangxian Association", actively explored the "Party Construction+Township+Rural Revitalization" model, and took the "Iron Triangle+Xinxiangxian" as the starting point to effectively promote rural grassroots organizations Construction, grass -roots governance systems and governance capabilities are modernized, Xinxiangxian leads the spring breeze of policy propaganda, the warmth of suggestions and suggestions, and the strong winds of attracting investment, promote the positive wind of cultural civilization, resolve the crooked wind of contradictions and disputes, and help rural revitalization.

Hongshuihe Town Integrates the theory of civilization practice (station) theoretical statement platform, members of the Xiangxian Association cooperate with the town party members and leading cadres to carry out publicity and preaching, and publicize the form of mass meetings, the council dams, and home visit to the masses The glory of the party's century -old struggle and the spirit of relevant conferences in the central, provincial, state, and counties, and the policy of benefiting the people and the people, set off a boom in learning among the masses.

The town's new township leadership, to implement the values ​​of friendliness, integrity, mutual assistance, harmony, and health to the villagers, take the lead in leading the masses to eliminate rules and bad habits, strengthen environmental sanitation, and promote national unity and progress. Through the starting point of "Iron Triangle+Xinxiangxian", Xinxian Xianxian participated in rural governance, and formed a new type of rural governance pattern of "co -construction, co -governance sharing" at the grassroots level of the village. Most of the representatives of the town and villages are the leaders of the villages such as farmers, large breeding households, and individual industrial and commercial households. They generally have a relatively high level of cultural level and relatively high political awareness. They actively participate in rural governance and rural revitalization. Play a good driving role. Up to now, 10 projects have introduced 10 projects to help drive the masses to start a business and employment.

Adhere to the principles of "unsteady, unable to choose, unwilling to choose", in accordance with the selection standards of "Chongde and Law, fairness, enthusiastic public welfare, and recognized by the masses" to implement the people, village -level, town -level, town -level, town levels Level selection and joint push, prioritize the selection of representatives of the People's Congress, party representatives, CPPCC members, etc., and other volunteer mediation officers of the Xiangxian, play the basic role of "Xiangxian mediation" to maintain stability, timely and properly handle various hotspots and difficult problems, maintain the harmony of the neighborhood The rural areas are stable, the realization of small matters will not be out of the village, the major events will not go out of the town, and the contradictions will not be intertwined. It has promoted the innovation and upgrading of the people's mediation work in the new era. As of now, Xiangxian people have participated in the resolution of 116 contradictions and disputes, which has effectively maintained social harmony and stability.

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