The first anniversary transcript of Hebei "Double Decrease": 100%full coverage after school service

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.07.19

The first anniversary transcript of Hebei "Double Decrease"

Compulsory education discipline training institutions have decreased from more than 5,000 to now 4 school after -school services to achieve 100%full coverage of students' operating volume significantly decreased significantly

The compulsory education discipline training institutions have been reduced from more than 5,000 to the present, and all of them are non -profit institutions. Five teams of off -campus training supervision and supervision have been gradually established; compulsory education schools have achieved 100%full coverage after class, and the content of after -school service content continues Rich, the "three -year action" plan continues to advance; all compulsory education schools introduce operation management measures, all schools have achieved no job day per day, and the number of students' homework is significantly reduced ... sorting out the "double reduction" of Hebei in the past year, grades, grades, and grades, and grades, grades, and grades, and grades, grades, and grades, and grades, grades, and grades. Full harvest.

More than 40 supporting documents are issued successively

After the national "double reduction" policy was released, Hebei issued the "Implementation Plan for further reducing the burden of student homework and off -campus training in the compulsory education stage" in the name of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. Further reduce the implementation of the implementation plan of students' operational burden and off -campus training burden during the compulsory education stage, and clarify departmental responsibilities, tasks division of labor, completion time limit, and systematically promote the implementation of "double reduction" tasks.

On the basis of the "Implementation Plan", more than 40 supporting documents have been made, covering all aspects of measures such as classroom teaching, homework design, after -school service, off -campus training and management, etc., creating conditions for the successful completion of the national tasks stipulated by the state.

Five teams of off -campus training and governance are gradually improved

Nine departments such as the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Public Security Department formed the provincial -level off -campus training law enforcement working group, so that some people in off -campus training and governance were truly grasped and managed, and measures were implemented.

Established a classification and identification expert committee in the compulsory education stage of Hebei Province, and appointed 139 discipline experts to be a member of the classification expert database of outdoor training projects in the compulsory education stage of Hebei Province.

To form a non -disciplinary training education and teaching expert guidance team, through active services, improve the quality of institutional training, and guide non -disciplinary out -of -school training institutions to standardize schools as required.

Preferably 205 provincial "double reduction" work social supervisors, and set up a team of social supervisors for the "double reduction" work, so that social supervision can truly become a powerful starting point for "double reduction" to take root.

Select 329 provincial "dual reduction" work information staff, set up a team of "double reduction" work social information staff, timely discover and summarize the good practices of "double reduction" work in various places, and strengthen positive publicity reports of the "double reduction" work. The city and county reference to the construction of the "five teams" at the provincial level has established the "five teams" to continuously strengthen the supervision, guidance and inspection of off -campus training.

The length of the student's homework is obviously controlled

The operation management mechanism is continuously improved. We will improve operation management from many aspects such as overall planning, design, layout, correction, and supervision and guidance, establish a system for publicity, review management and quality evaluation in operation, and reasonably regulate the operating structure. At present, all compulsory education schools in the province have issued operational management measures and established a system of publicity in the operation.

The total number of jobs is obviously controlled. The province basically implements the first and second grades of primary schools without designing written family homework. The average completion time of the daily operations of the third to sixth grades does not exceed 60 minutes. The junior high school does not exceed 90 minutes. obviously decrease.

The quality of operation design has steadily improved. The Academy of Education of the Provincial Department of Education studied and formulated the guidance of 12 discipline operation design and implementation of the compulsory education stage. Various places are actively explored, and layers, elasticity and personalized operations are generally tried to promote the change from quantitative changes to qualitative changes.

Three "full coverage" after class service

Deepen the full coverage of after -school services. At present, the province's compulsory education schools have reached 100%of the compulsory education schools, which have achieved full coverage of compulsory education school after -school service, full coverage of students with demand, and full service time.

Planning after -class service development. At the beginning of the year, the "Hebei Provincial Compulsory Education School after -school service improvement work plan" was formulated. And service quality. In order to achieve the "three extensions", that is, the content of the service is completed from the care, counseling to complete the operation and conventional extracurricular activities, to carry out more colorful activities, conduct high -quality operation guidance, and provide lunch lunch service. The school activities are extended to the union inside and outside the school; the service time is extended from working days to weekends and holidays. The content of the work plan involves 5 aspects, 15 points, and 22 key tasks.

Strengthen the typical demonstration leadership after -class service. In order to achieve a demonstration and leading role in after -course service work in various places, Hebei Province has implemented the "Three -Year Service Plan for After -Class Service". It is planned to use three years to make a batch of after -school service demonstration counties in the province. An Peihu of Peihu, a batch of post -school service demonstration schools. At present, the first and second batch of demonstration creation activities that have been carried out have selected 48 demonstration counties and 409 demonstration schools, which are playing a typical leading role to improve the quality of regional after -school service.

Create after -school service brand work. Among them, since the launch of the "Yan Zhao Shuang reduction in action", since the launch of May 25, it has organized more than 14,000 compulsory education schools throughout the province, and has broadcast 6 "Journey to the Campus of Faith" and the "Campus of the Soul of the Soul of the Soul". ", Phase 5" Innovation Service Cloud Forum "and" Phase 3 "after -school service cloud exhibition", a single viewer of 17 million, a total of 19 live broadcast activities, a total of nearly 100 million viewers in more than a month, which has strongly promoted the full full promotion The popularization and development of after -school services in provincial primary and secondary schools. At the same time, continue to promote the "one school, one brand", "one school, one characteristic", and innovate the form of service forms and content. The quality of school running continues to improve

Continue to promote high -quality balance of compulsory education. All localities have continuously deepened the reform of compulsory education and school -run models, and implemented school -based schooling, school district management, school alliances, commission management, urban and rural school pairing assistance and other school -run models. The coverage of high -quality education resources has continued to expand.

The reform of classroom teaching is continuously deepened. From the perspective of the deepening of the school's listening class, the school's classroom teaching model is generally reformed. Inspiration and guidance teaching have become mainstream. The curriculum structure and teaching content are optimized, the subjective enhancement of students, the depth of the classroom participation, the deepening of the classroom, and the expansion of thinking. The quality of classroom teaching is improved.

The exams are further standardized. Our province takes the lead in issuing the "Regulations on Examination of Compulsory Education Schools" nationwide to comprehensively standardize the time, propositions, organizations, methods, results, and student evaluation of compulsory education schools, reduce the pressure of examinations, and deepen evaluation reform.

There are only 4 left of compulsory education discipline training institutions

Adhere to the combination of strict approval and pressure reduction. All of the preschool education school training institutions and primary and secondary school -class training institutions are no longer approved by approved preschool education institutions. Among the province's 5092 compulsory education discipline training institutions, 1,743 institutions were canceled, and 3345 were transferred to non -subject.

Strictly regulate institutions to run schools. Steady and effectively carried out the "look back" work of discipline governance, and conducted a comprehensive investigation of the disciplinary training institutions of students who were originally facing students in compulsory education; standardized non -disciplinary institutions to run schools, and introduced sports, culture and arts, science and technology, etc. Standards for off -school training institutions have clarified the policy requirements for organizing non -disciplinary out -of -school training institutions.

Continue to promote the application of the national regulatory platform, print the "Notice on Accelerating the Progress of the review of out -of -school education and training supervision and service comprehensive platform", focus on the key tasks such as the qualification review, pre -collection fees, and charging behavior specifications, and promote the training of off -campus training Supervision goes deeply.

Continuously strengthen social supervision. Give full play to the role of "double reduction" social supervisors of provinces and cities and counties, take the initiative to discover the issue of illegal training, make social supervision a strong starting point for "double reduction" to take root, and speak up for the "double reduction", and for the front of education for education Speak.

Multi -party efforts to ensure that the "double reduction" is implemented

Correct school responsibility. Adhere to off -campus governance and collaboration in school, and clarify that the principal of primary and secondary schools as the first responsible person in the work of "double reduction", who discovered that there are many schools who have participated in more than many off -school training students, discussed the principal one by one, and urged them to find the cause from the school and rectify the rectification in time in time. Essence

Establish a negative list. Combing the formulation of the "Negative List of the Prohibition of Outside Training Institutions in the Compulsory Education Stage in Hebei Province", which clearly "twenty -fifth cannot be performed in the aspects of training time, training content, financial charges, etc., and strictly investigate violations in accordance with the list. The provincial and cities will be announced, and the crowd will provide clues, and the masses will provide clues, compact the township (street) governance and unlicensed institution responsibilities, and successively investigate and deal with 33 "mutation" behaviors of hidden discipline training.

Strengthen publicity and guidance. Printing and issuing a "Double Decrease" open letter to primary and secondary school students in the province ", organized parents of primary and secondary school students to sign the" Double Subtraction "Promise" to guide parents to establish the correct educational concept, effectively fulfill their family education responsibilities, create a good family education for people to educate people The atmosphere forms a coordinated education with the school.

From 2021 to 2022, the Provincial Department of Finance raised the subsidy funding for subsidy of the compulsory education stage above the province of 16.49 billion yuan and 16 billion yuan, of which public funds were 7.59 billion yuan and 7.6 billion yuan. Hydropower, consumables, labor and other related expenditures incurred have strongly supported schools to carry out after -school services during the compulsory education stage.

The Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau actively cooperates with the Provincial Department of Education to do a good job of "camp -to -non -" work, and vigorously reduce the number of discipline training institutions while continuously increasing the monitoring of education and training advertising. In real time Special monitoring of off -campus training advertisements; comprehensively implement the "Election Training Service Contracts (Demonstration Texts)" in the province, and issue more than 12,000 materials for the distribution of materials. Essence

The Provincial Sports Bureau and other departments actively assume the responsibility of standardizing non -disciplinary off -campus training.At the end of 2021, the Provincial Sports Bureau and the Provincial Department of Education issued the "Establishment Standard (Trial)" by the Provincial Department of Education, Hebei Province, and actively afford the approval and regulatory duties of non -disciplinary (sports) off -campus training institutions; 2022 2022In May of the year, the Provincial Department of Education, together with the Provincial Department of Culture and the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, successively introduced the setting standards for cultural and art and science and technology off -campus training institutions to improve the setting standards and approval processes of non -disciplinary training institutions.The Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Human Resources and Social Affairs Department, the Provincial Public Security Department, the Provincial Civil Affairs Department, the Provincial Department of Justice, and the Provincial Party Committee's editorial office have actively played the role of the "double reduction" function.All departments have actively cooperated with the education administrative department to establish a guarantee mechanism for after -school service funding guarantee mechanisms for the basic guarantee and appropriate sharing of the family.In the aspects of disciplinary training charging management, unlicensed training, investigation and investigation, training institution registration, and the construction of law enforcement teams, it actively cooperates to carry out work, effectively promoting the introduction and implementation of various guarantee policies for "dual reduction".

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