Xiaoxiaozhi "Camp" talks in Sichuan | AI marketing helps the tourism industry Nirvana rebirth

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.19

Mountains and Rivers Drunk

Banjiang Lighting Naxi City

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The sound verses read the "Xiaoxiao" and praised Naxi. In the post -epidemic era, Baidu's marketing empowerment brand obtained from traffic to realize the overall value -added of the brand and retention of the brand, helping the brand to build tension and enhance gravity. For the current wave of AI intelligence, the combination of the cultural tourism industry and new technologies is an industrial upgrade. We should reflect the charm of new technologies as soon as possible in cooperative projects with customers. The combination of "Du Xiaoxiao", we opened a new marketing scenario.

In recent years, the Wenguang Travel Bureau of Naxi District, Luzhou City has based on exploring a new model of cultural tourism integration and development, and made every effort to build a global tourism demonstration area and create a famous county, town, and villages in Tianfu. As the first batch of global tourism demonstration areas in the province, Luzhou Naxi District has 4A -level scenic spots in 4A -level scenic spots in the four countries of Huadian Wine, Phoenix Lake, Tianxianyu, Yunxi Hot Spring, Tea and Wine Town, Danxia Zhuhai, Yunxi Digital Economy Economy Four core resources such as industrial parks, four Naixi district special tourist routes with ecological tourism, leisure tours, red tourism, and research tours. In 2021, the Naxi District Wenguang Travel Bureau joined hands with Baidu Marketing for the first time. With the theme of "Nari Misimi Watch You", in the form of videos, graphics, multi -dimensional showing the culture of Naxi District, natural victory, "intangible cultural heritage" skills, special tourism products, cultural coordinates, historical coordinates, history The stories and natural scenery, traditional skills and other elements, precisely present the exciting content of the cultural tourism industry, historical culture, gourmet specialty, and non -heritage of Naxi to the national netizens, help Naxi District to create a "Tianfu Tourism County", promote Naxi District District The image of cultural tourism, creating the brand of Naxi Cultural Tourism, has enhanced everyone's longing and expectations for the tourist destination of Naxi District. During the cooperation period, the keyword search and promote the promotion of the core cultural tourism resources of Naxi. Users on the Baidu search engine search Naxi key keywords (Huatian wine land/Naxi Phoenix Lake/Guo Guo War Museum/Naxut morning tea, etc.), On the front page of the first page of the result, it focuses on highlighting the urban dynamics of Naxi District and shortening the user's search path. Through the popular topic of Baidu Marketing, "Together, Naxer" invited netizens to search for Pickings Damimeni, produced more than 2,000 contents of original topics, and received more than 8 million reading volume. Through the combination of multi -product and multi -form showing the local customs of Naxi, through the comprehensive integrated marketing of Baidu marketing, it has created a comprehensive three -dimensional Naxi Cultural Brigade.

Baidu marketing accurately locks the audience, spreads cultural tourism content, and creates a brand image of cultural tourism.

Baidu Marketing is committed to using the four core technologies of technology, data, content and innovation to help advertisers solve the problem of brand creation and brand growth. Life -driven life and production methods to reconstruct new marketing changes with artificial intelligence. Scenes, information, services, and connection methods will all undergo all -round changes, bringing new marketing upgrades to users in various industries.

At the same time, small and medium -sized enterprises are also the "vital army" of the national economy. Under the impact of the external environment, how to help SMEs calmly seize opportunities, cope with challenges, achieve sustainable development, and become a topic of social concerns. It is understood that the 2022 Baidu Urban Conference-Chengdu Conference will soon usher in one of the most heavy news this year: Baidu released the "2022 Common Plan", providing multiple funds and traffic of 200 million special support funds, over 300 million special support flows and other funds and traffic. , Products and service support, effectively help SMEs to resume work and make trouble!

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