I don't know where to let my child go during the summer?It's right here!

Author:Kunming Federation of Trade Un Time:2022.07.19

"Mom, goodbye, remember to pick me up from get off work!" After saying hello to my mother, the children from Wuhua District "Gongle Enjoy" summer love custody class in 2022 happily followed the teacher to enter the classroom. At 9 o'clock in the morning, Ms. Hu sent her child to the summer love custody class of the union on time. "The Trade Union helps us bring our baby every day, solving the problem of careless children in the summer, making our work more at ease." Ms. Hu said.

On July 18, the spring buds will be warmed -Wuhua District's "Gongle Enjoy" summer love custody class in 2022 was held in the youth palace of Wuhua District. The summer love custody class held a total of 2 phases. The 218 union relations belonged to the children of workers organized by the union organizations at all levels of Wuhua District. Choose a physical fitness activity of an hour and a half every day, and organize 3 times for each period of organization to achieve the combination of motion and quietness of middle school students during the entire holiday. Essence

It is understood that in order to properly solve the problem of no one during the holidays of employees, the union starts from the needs of the employees to provide a summer custodian education service for the childhood children of the employee family. The needs of the masses, adopting separate or joint holdings, etc., in welfare holiday custody and off -school custody services in organ, enterprise institutions, parks, communities, etc. platform.

Attend the leader to give the opening gift to the children of the employee

Yu Qingxiang, deputy director of the female staff committee of the Yunnan Federation of Trade Unions and the Minister of Women's Workers' Department, attended the opening ceremony and announced the opening of the class. Subsequently, Liu Hui, a member of the party group, vice chairman, and director of the Municipal Federation of Women's Workers' Council of Kunming City, sent a blessing to all teachers and students of the love custodian custodian. She said that the children who participated in the summer love custody class could find their own strengths and study and develop, and harvested a happy and fulfilling holiday time. I also hope that the staff who participated in this caring custody class have a harmonious and happy family and fully feel the warmth and care of the union organization. The trade union organization will scientifically accurately run classes through its own efforts, dedicated to serving employees, fulfilling the power of the union, and satisfying the employees' hope.

According to Yao Lifang, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Wuhua District People's Congress, secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the District Federation, the custody class runs flexible and distinctive. The first is to open a special car in the northwest area to solve the problem of long -distance school delivery and difficulty in hosting; the second is to provide a delayed school service to solve the problem of pick -up and drop -off caused by the conflict between the employees' off work and the time of school. The method of expenses solve the problem of conflict between some employees' children in the course of class and daily training examinations; fourth, insist on putting safety first to ensure high -quality and safety classes.

At the scene, many employee parents praised the custody. Everyone said that I am very happy to participate in the summer custodian class carried out by the union, solve the pressure and actual difficulties of bringing baby baby in the summer vacation, and take the child here. Not only can you learn a lot of extra -curricular knowledge, make new friends, but also let them allow them Can be put in work more at ease.

Li Zhaoyi, a third -level investigator of the female employee department of the Yunnan Federation of Trade Unions, and the person in charge of the second squat research team of the provincial general work, Wu Ning attended the opening ceremony. Representatives of the co -organizers of the Northwest District and Liu Tingting, chairman of the District People's Court of the District People's Court, made speeches. The leaders of the female employee department of the Kunming Federation of Trade Unions, the Private Education Department of the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau, Wuhua District Education and Sports Bureau, District Civil Affairs Bureau, Public Security Wuhua Branch, District Procuratorate, District Court, Wuhua Science and Technology Industrial Park Development and Investment Co., Ltd. The heads of the union of the host units, as well as the students who participated in the first period of love custody class and some parent representatives attended the opening ceremony.

Kunming Federation of Trade Unions Full Media News Center

Editor: Yang Yan

Word: Zhao Yongdan

Graphic: Li Lianfa

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