2240 kilometers!25 days!Deyang 15 -year -old boy refresh record

Author:Deyang Daily Time:2022.07.19

How did you spend after your entrance examination?

Deyang, a 15 -year -old boy

Give a very "cool" answer!

June 17th

Xie Zijie starts from Deyang

Ride more than 100 kilometers a day

25 days he rode 2240 kilometers

He crossed

Two alpine mountains above 5 kilometers above

10 high mountains above 4 kilometers above sea level


July 12

Xie Zijie arrived in Lhasa

Chinese Youth Cycling Alliance Special

A ride successful ceremony was held for Xie Zijie

He has been the riding alliance for ten years

The smallest individual ride successful

(No parental companionship)

Xie Zijie was studying at Tianli School of Deyang and was a sports specialty. It is not accidental to go to Tibet by cycling, nor is it a sudden imagination. He has been yearning for the beauty and mystery of Tibet by his mother since he was a child. As early as a year ago, he began to prepare for sports.

I heard that Xie Zijie was going to Tibet, and the school teacher gave him a lot of encouragement. In particular, the chemical teacher also introduced him to his friends who had rode Tibet and asked him to learn riding experience and survival skills in the wild.

Talking about the most "embarrassing" day, Xie Zijie recalled that from Honglong Township, Yajiang County, Ganzi Prefecture to Litang, it was almost 11 hours uphill on the same day, until 8 o'clock in the evening, and the destination of the day was still. There are more than 20 kilometers. "On the dark night, it rained and thundered. On the road, there was only me, my mobile phone had no signal, and my physical strength was not supported. I had to push the car for a while. I called the phone and finally received the hotel. "

Xie Zijie said with emotion: "The most beautiful scenery is actually on the road. The road conditions along the Sichuan -Tibet Line are complicated, the climate is bad, and it is a huge test for the riders' physical strength and perseverance."

After 25 days of cycling, more than 3 pm on July 12, he arrived in Lhasa four or five hours earlier than expected. When the Potala Palace in the distance appeared in Xie Zijie's sight, he said, "I can't describe my mood in words, and there is an impulse to cry."

Xie Zijie's mother took his brother and arrived in Lhasa in advance. The Chinese Youth Cycling Alliance also held a ride successful ceremony for Xie Zijie.

Xie Zijie's dream did not stop because he arrived in Lhasa. He had a new dream. He had to pass the ideal university, but also wanted to challenge the Yunnan -Tibet and the Qinghai -Tibet line after the college entrance examination.

Reporter | Editor Liu Qian | Xiao Xi Zhang Rui (Internship)

Responsible editor | Wang Shanshan duty editor committee | Jiang Ying

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