New Era of Chenzhou example 丨 Zeng Jieyi: "Sword Guardian" who protects life

Author:Luzhou Daily Time:2022.07.19

Chenzhou Daily All -Media reporter Zhou Hui Correspondent Wang Zhuojun

Zeng Jieyi

Follow the water dragon, lower the flames, and retrograde in the battlefield of life and death; ascend the tower, enter the ruins, and save life in crisis.

He is the retrograde person who rushed towards the fire field, the "sharp knife guard" tempered by fire, and the guardian of life in despair. He is Zeng Jieyi, a webmaster of the Special Service Station of Luzhou Fire Rescue Detachment and "Touched Hunan" 2021.

Brave retrograde to the hope of life

In 1985, Zeng Jieyi was born in an ordinary worker family. His family lived in the fire brigade of Beihu District. Whenever the fire occurred, the fire truck whistled and whistled, and the firefighters carrying the car were all armed and calm. Such a scene left a deep impression on the young Zeng Jieyi and buried the ideal seed in his heart.

In 2003, the 18 -year -old Zeng Jieyi was recruited and became a glorious firefighter. His bloody, his ideal has changed from a childhood "becoming a firefighter" to "the fire leader." Zeng Jieyi has been used for the example of an example of an ordinary firefighter to a role model for the fire rescue team. In the past 19 years, he has participated in more than 1,300 fire extinguishing rescue missions, successfully rescued more than 380 people in dangerous people, and ranked first, second -class merits once, and 8 times. Behind merit is to be born and died again and again.

After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, Zeng Jieyi wrote a war book for the first time and joined the party members' assault team. When he rushed to the disaster area, he risked from the end of the aftertaste, facing the landslide of the mountains, the dyke of the dammed lake, and the breakthrough of the road and bridge.

In the ruins of the 6 -story residential building in Hujiaxiang, Puyang Road, Beichuan, some people were buried, the aftershocks on the scene continued, the ruins were extremely unstable, and local collapse occurred from time to time. Rescuers can only adventure into the bottom of the ruins to open a life channel to rescue. During the rescue process, the movement must be light and accurate, and there must be no deviation, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. Zeng Jieyi and his comrades went deep at the bottom of the ruins, picked up the soil with both hands, lifted the board with both shoulders, and fought with both knees to rescue five people from the ruins for 6 hours. In the more than 10 days and nights of Wenchuan's war, Zeng Jieyi and his comrades were only sleeping for 5 hours a day, with a heavy troops 20 kilometers, and the gloves worn dozens of pairs. His knees were bruised, and he successfully rescued and transferred hundreds of people.

"Every time I go out of the task, Zeng Jieyi always says‘ let me go ’.” Said Tang Xiuyuan, a firefighter who has worked with Zeng Jieyi for many years.

On November 5, 2017, a tank car carrying a 23 -ton liquefied petroleum gas in Yizhang County turned fire on the side. Zeng Jieyi led the Special Service Squadron to the scene as soon as possible. At this time, the flame was more than 20 meters. If the cylinder body is ruptured, the liquefied petroleum gas inside encounters an explosion of light fire, which will seriously threaten the safety of nearly 10,000 people around the surrounding people.

"You withdraw to the safe position, let me come here!" Zeng Jieyi took the high pressure water gun and issued an order to the firefighters on the scene.

After 12 hours of fighting, the danger was successfully disposed of, which did not cause the surrounding masses to be casualties. However, Zeng Jieyi fought for a long time and was almost collapsed.

The test of rushing to the battlefield of life and death, facing blood and fire is the normal state in Zeng Jieyi's life.

On March 30, 2020, due to the landslide of the mountains in Yongxing County, the Beijing -Guangzhou Railway T179 train was derailed. A carriage was on fire, and more cars were subverted. Hundreds of passengers were trapped. Zeng Jieyi took on the most dangerous searches for searching for people. He regardless of the possibilities that might spread at any time, risked the danger of secondary landslides and the train of the train. It has made important contributions to the successful rescue and the Beijing -Guangzhou Line's resumption of opening to traffic within 24 hours. The rescue operation was listed as "Top Ten Top Ten Cases of Emergency Rescue in 2020".

"Every time I put on a fire rescue service, I only have mission and tasks in my heart." Zeng Jieyi said, "For firefighters, there is no fire field, even if the nine die. The hope of the people who are sleepy. "

Practice the ability to quench the Guardian

Firefighters should "wipes" with the god of death. Only when the skills are high, can the people save the people. "It is always one step faster than the disaster" is Zeng Jieyi's mantra.

For faster, he was particularly cruel to himself in training.

When I first entered the fire rescue team, due to poor coordination, Zeng Jieyi's training results were back. He desperately exercised himself every day. This habit has been fighting for 19 years. The palm of his hand was worn, and he passed the plaster to continue training; the ankle was injured, he tied a bandage to continue to practice; the knee edema, and he continued to practice with a closed needle.

In 2012, the province held a major competition for modern fire -fighting iron troops track and field and grass -roots commanders. The 27 -year -old Zeng Jieyi has no advantage in age and physical strength, but he has carried out the "devil -like" training for himself. He alone pulls the ladder, and he has to practice more than 200 times a day. In this competition, Zeng Jieyi won 6 single firsts, and set a new record for the province's ladder project with 6.83 seconds.

Today's fire rescue team shoulders the mission of "full disaster, major emergency" rescue mission. The special service station is the "sharp knife" of the fire rescue team. In order to be proficient in the performance of special service equipment, especially some imported equipment, Zeng Jieyi asked the manufacturer to contact the master, ask professionals to ask professionals, turn dictionaries, check words, translate it word by word and eat professional terms and product descriptions. Performance remembers the heart, becoming a well -known "equipment". In the practice of rescue, Zeng Jieyi discovered that mountains and high -altitude rescue were its shortcomings. He asked experts to ask for advice and use his spare time to study mountains and high -altitude rescue techniques.

On one occasion, two migrant workers in Chenzhou climbed a 35 -meter -high tower crane to ask for salary. Due to the cold weather and at high altitude for a long time, the migrant workers are severely overdrawn, and there is a danger of falling at any time.

"Save people at high altitude, I have experience, let me go!" Zeng Jieyi came forward.

In the 35 -meter altitude, Zeng Jieyi stepped on a 10 cm wide steel beam and worked hard after more than 3 hours to send the trapped migrant workers to the ground.

Zeng Jieyi has successively served as the captain, instructor, and director of the command center. No matter how the post is changed and how the role changes, the training ground is always the most frequent place. He demanded strictly on the players, but asked the team members to do it first. Even if the firefighters were full of scores, he asked the team members to do 20 and 25 themselves. He often said: "There is no training on the training field, how can there be a fire field rescue whole body retreat? Only sweat on the training field can bleed less in actual combat."

Zeng Jieyi took out the sharp knife class as the squad leader. In 2020, Zeng Jieyi, who had just been transferred to the authority for only one year, applied for re -transferring back to the front line of grassroots rescue and served as the specialist station webmaster.

"Modern disasters are complex and changeable. Our rescue task involves many categories such as fire, ropes, high -rise, mountains, waters, boats, chemicals, and hazardous chemicals. Just one person is not enough, because many rescue missions require teams to team Cooperate, such as internal attack and rescue, alternating forward, water gun position settings, ropes and high -altitude rescue systems require teammates' collaborative support. The reason why I return to the front line of rescue is to teach my experience and skills to young teammates. We said. "Zeng Jieyi said.

In order to improve the overall combat capability, Zeng Jieyi took the initiative to pass the help and brought out more than 300 fire protection backbones. He took the lead in innovating 5 combat methods and improved more than 20 training methods. He led the team to participate in competitions at or above the provincial level. He won the top two in the group three times and more than 30 people won the first one.

The hard work of the year and day after day, the team led by Zeng Jieyi and his leadership into a "sharp knife guard". When the people are in crisis, they can fight and fight. Heavy trust, not humiliating the mission.

Protect Life Watch on Ping An

In 2012, a family of people in Beihu District was on fire. When the firefighters arrived, the fire was swallowing the restaurant and living room to force the children and the elderly to the balcony anti -theft network. The situation was very urgent. Zeng Jieyi and his teammates forcibly broke the door of the house. While controlling the fire, they searched and rescued the room one by one. They risked the risk of being swallowed by the fire and opened a life passage. At the fastest speed, they rescued all the family of four trapped family. After escaping the fire field, the family who had been hugging Zeng Jieyi cried after the rest of his life.

"This male owner is trapped in the bathroom. I still remember the desperate expression and excitement when he was trapped. If we were 10 minutes later, this family of four will be buried in the sea of ​​fire together with the elderly and children. The desire of the people's life and the tears of crying after being saved made me realize the preciousness of life, and she was more aware of the heavy responsibility of the firefighters' shoulders. "Zeng Jieyi said.

The unlimited love and care of life's responsibility for the fire rescue cause allowed Zeng Jieyi to retrograde fires again and again without fear of life and death. For 19 years, he has been fighting the most dangerous places and fighting the most place where the people need.

Due to his outstanding performance, Zeng Jieyi has been awarded "National Outstanding People's Police", "Top Ten People's Police Hunan Province", "Top Ten Young Guardians in Hunan Province", "Hunan May 4th Youth Medal", and "Hunan Good Man and Elderly Love Star". In November 2018, he was rated as the fourth "Top Ten Outstanding Fire Defender in the country" by the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Emergency Management Department; in April 2019, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League was rated as "the country to a good young youth" and was invited to Beijing to lead Award and participate in the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement.

On July 8, 2022, Zeng Jieyi was named "Touched Hunan" in 2021. In the same time to go to Changsha, there are Jiang Mengnan, who "moved China" in 2021 and was elected as "moving Hunan" in 2021.

Jiang Mengnan's deeds are also moved and inspired Zeng Jieyi. He said with emotion: "Jiang Mengnan loses hearing, and does not know how many people to imagine how many ordinary people want to imagine. She has obtained a PhD in Tsinghua University and will use what she has learned to create value in the society. As a sound person, I still have any reasons to work hard to work hard. What? Firefighters' occupation means hardship and danger. With a glorious mission, I have been involved in the front line of fire rescue.

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