up to date!From 15:00 today to 19:00, the test of all -regional nucleic acid detection in part of Tongjiang Street in the city of the city

Author:Leshan Express Time:2022.07.19

Leshan City Central District

Copy new type of coronary virus pneumonia epidemic emergency command


(2022 No. 8)

According to the needs of the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, in order to effectively protect the health of the people, after research, it was decided to conduct a whole nucleic acid test on some areas of Tongjiang Street in the city in the city.

1. Detection range

The first area: the middle section of Fenghuang Road, Baiyang Middle Road, Baiyan Road, and the west section of Longyou Road. (See attachment 1)

The second area: Tianxing Road, Chaoxia Road, South Fenghuang Road, and Baiyang Middle Road Hewei area. (See Annex 2)

Third area: Wuzhou Hantang Community (including the facade). (See Annex 3)

2. Detection time

On July 19, 2022, 15:00 to 19:00.

Third, related matters

1. Please carry the mobile phone health code (including family health code) or ID card within the scope of the detection scope (including local permanent residents, temporary residents, temporary migrant workers, foreign personnel, etc.). Point (see Annex 4) for free nucleic acid testing. Home isolation and home health monitoring personnel arranged separately.

2. During the detection of nucleic acid, please do a good job of personal protection. Wear masks throughout the journey, do not talk, do not gather, maintain a safe distance with others by more than 1 meter, respect and obey staff management. After sampling, stay on the spot.

Those who have been vaccinated for the new crown virus vaccine within 3.48 hours do not participate in the test sampling of the nucleic acid test, but they must explain the situation to the staff of the community (village) and provide relevant proofs to register the community (village). During the detection of nucleic acid, the new crown virus vaccine was suspended.

4. Persons under the age of 16 or those who have diseases need to go to the sampling point to detect nucleic acid detection with the guardian; elderly people and disabled people who cannot participate in on -site sampling due to special reasons such as inconvenience can be registered with the community. Medical staff came to the door to sample.

5. This nucleic acid detection only shows the detection results. The test results can be checked in the mobile phone "Tianfu Health", without a paper report.

6. Accepting nucleic acid testing is the obligation of citizens. It must be inspected. For those who refuse to cooperate and do not support nucleic acid testing, disrupt order and conceal, lie, and forge information, they will investigate the corresponding legal liabilities in accordance with laws and regulations.

7. This nucleic acid testing is only for residents within the three areas of residence in the notice. Residents who have participated in the first round of nucleic acid testing in the region on July 17 shall go according to the notice time and do self -protection on the way. Persons who have participated in the expansion nucleic acid test on the 18th did not participate in the sampling of the nucleic acid detection of this round of nucleic acid.

Attachment: 1. Map of the first area of ​​nucleic acid sampling in the central city area

2. The second area of ​​the central urban nucleic acid sampling

3. The third area of ​​the central urban nucleic acid sampling

4. Information table of nucleic acid sampling points in the central urban area

Leshan City Central District responds to the new coronary virus

Pneumonia epidemic emergency headquarters

July 19, 2022

Annex 1

The first area of ​​the nucleic acid sampling of the central city area

Attachment 2

The second area of ​​the central urban nucleic acid sampling

Annex 3

The third area of ​​the central urban nucleic acid sampling

Attachment 4

Information table of nucleic acid sampling points in the central city area

Source: Jiazhou Rong Media

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