Teaching the endorsement and bringing the goods!There are several "foreign teachers" in the village of Xianning

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.19

"SIT DOWN (sit down)"

"Look at me (looking at me)" "


In Maishi Village Committee of Mai City, Mai City, Tongcheng County

From time to time, simple English dialogue and laughter

On July 14, Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics and Law organized outstanding students to come to China to form an international student survey lecture group, and went to the school to help the village to help Hongshi Village in Mai City to carry out social practice. Give the town's children a section of the opening English class.

In the class, four international students from Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Ghana and other countries teach children to speak English, Russian and other languages ​​through singing English nursery rhymes, and guide children to introduce and share themselves.

In the classroom interaction, the humorous foreign students made rural children slowly letting rural children slowly fly in the first time. Simple English words made children learn to learn. After the lectures Several "foreign" teachers took pictures. In the end, foreign students donated books and reading to children, and encouraged children to study hard, grow up healthy, and see more about the outside world.

"Compared with the city, the teaching conditions here are limited, and the children's English foundation is relatively weak." Wu Hao, a member of the Organization of Mai City, said, "With these 'foreign teachers' to interact with the children, they are interested in learning English. He has been mobilized. "

"Mai City Grape, it's just right, it's sweet!" At the same time, the preaching group also entered Jingtang Village, Mai City to visit the party building and lead the grassroots governance demonstration site and the rural revitalization project base. Ecological picking and "two -headed black" intelligent breeding process, "endorsement" and "cargo" for local agricultural products to help farmers broaden sales channels and help rural revitalization.

"I have been to India, Turkey and other countries, and I have seen the rural areas of those countries. This is the first time I have come to see the countryside in China. It is very clean and beautiful here, especially the combination of scientific and technological power and rural revitalization work. "Said Moba, Afghanistan student.

"I want to bring the experience of rural rejuvenation I see here back to my country." Dr. Ghana's doctoral student He Jun was deeply touched.

According to reports, since the city of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in 2008, the school has given full play to the advantages of college resources and continuously deepening the form and content of school -land assistance. Assistance and education assistance gives Tongcheng strong support and help, with a total of more than 20 million yuan.

"We will further strengthen the cooperation of village schools, make full use of the high -quality resources of the Central South China University of Economics and Law, increase investment in development and industrial development, and bring more people's livelihood and well -being of the local people." express.

(Source: Xianning Daily)

【Edit: Zheng Xiaoxiao】

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