Heavy rain strikes!Hubei launched level 4 emergency response

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.07.19

Heavy rain strikes!

According to the latest meteorological data analysis, it is expected that from July 19th to 20th, strong rainfall in our province will occur, accompanied by strong streams such as short -term heavy precipitation and thunderstorm wind. To this end, at 9:00 on July 19, the Hubei Provincial Meteorological Disaster Emergency Headquarters initiated the fourth emergency response of meteorological disasters (heavy rain).

After starting the fourth emergency response of the heavy rain disaster, all member units must earnestly perform their respective responsibilities, carry out various tasks of emergency disposal, do a good job of scheduling water resources, strengthen the safety work of rivers and lakes and lakes. Disasters such as mountain floods, geological disasters, urban waterlogging, farmland stains and waterlogging; pay attention to the defense of the weather disasters such as heavy precipitation and thunderstorms; prevent the impact of severe weather on agricultural production and transportation operations.

In addition, at 8 o'clock on the 19th, the Provincial Meteorological Bureau also launched a major meteorological disaster (heavy rain) level 4 response, and requested that the cities (states) and provincial -managed city (district) meteorological bureau entered the corresponding level emergency response based on the actual research and guided the county ( City, district) issued a short -term warning in time.


Wuhan Yu Shui has arrived

Video source:@Hubei Weather

Huangshiyang Xinwu Cloud Pressing

Hubei has been released in many places

Rainstorm, lightning, heavy wind warning

Some weather warning

19 morning

Wuhan has released major weather reports

What is the weather in the province?

According to the latest forecast of the Hubei Provincial Meteorological Bureau, today (19th), the northwest of Hubei to heavy rain, local heavy rain, and other regions of the area turned small to medium rain, local heavy rain or heavy rain. Tonight, southwestern Hubei, Jianghan Plain, and northeastern Hubei reaches heavy rain. Local heavy rain, other areas are small to medium rain, local heavy rain or heavy rain. Tomorrow, northeast Hubei will continue to heavy rain, and the southwestern Hubei and Jianghan plains weaken to heavy rain and local heavy rain. Other areas are small to medium rain and local heavy rain. The maximum temperature in most areas will drop to 30-33 ° C.

The day after tomorrow's precipitation gradually weakened, and the province turned to cloudy or decentralized showers or thunder shower. The highest temperature rose slowly, 32-35 ° C in northwest Hubei and southeast of Hubei, 28-31 ° C in other regions. Remind the public to pay attention to prevent heavy rain and strong convective weather. There is still a precipitation process in the later period of this week.

The latest weather forecast

Source: Zeng Li, all media reporters from Hubei Daily,@来 来, Hubei Meteorological Bureau, Changjiang Daily

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