Gansu has continued precipitation in many places and needs to prevent secondary disasters caused by precipitation

Author:Gansu daily Time:2022.07.19

A new round of precipitation this week

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It is expected to be daytime to tomorrow day

Longnan City has a small to middle rain to cloudy to cloudy

Among them, there are local parts in the eastern and southern regions.

And accompanied by short -term heavy precipitation

The smallest hour rain is 20-30 mm

The above area is too saturated due to the water content of the soil

The public needs to be alert to secondary disasters such as floods and mudslides

The weather forecast in the province

From the night of July 18th to July 19, Longnan City has a small rain to cloudy to cloudy. Among them, there are large rainstorms in the east and southern regions, accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, and the smallest rain is 20-30. Millimeters; Gannan, Tianshui, Pingliang, Qingyang and other states have small rain to cloudy to cloudy, and there are heavy rain in some localities; Dingxi, Linxia, ​​Lanzhou, Baiyi, Wuwei and other cities have small rain to turn cloudy. ; The rest of the province is cloudy, and there are light rain in the Yin area of ​​Qilian Mountain.

From the night of July 19th to July 20th, Jiuquan, Jiayuguan, and Zhangye three cities are cloudy, and some places have shower or light rain; there are small rain or showers in the east and Gannan Plateau in the Qilian Mountains; Essence In addition, the fifth city of Hexi has 4-5 northwest winds.

From the night of July 20 to July 21, the clouds of Gannan and Linxia are cloudy to the middle of the rain; the five cities in Hexi and Baiyin, Lanzhou, Dingxi City and Longnan, Tianshui, and Pingliang are cloudy. There are small rain in the yin; the rest of the province is cloudy or sunny, and there are shower in the local area.

Lanzhou three -day forecast

18th from the 18th to the 19th day of the day

Xiaoyu turns cloudy, temperature is 18 ℃ to 28 ℃

Night on the 19th to 20th day day

Sunny, temperature 18 ℃ to 32 ℃

The night of the 20th to the day of the day

Moving to light rain, temperature 20 ℃ to 27 ℃

Source: Gansu Micro Mechor

Editor in charge: Yang Yang

Supervisor: Mu so strong

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