Send money!Policy bonus benefits the masses "real gold and silver" to help companies relieve their difficulties and employment

Author:Happy Steel City Time:2022.07.19

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood and the foundation of development. Since the beginning of this year, the District Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau has fully implemented the policy of provincial and municipal unemployment insurance funds, ensure the basic needs of the unemployed persons, promote its stable employment, sincerely pay, real gold and silver investment, really do a series of measures, adopt a series of measures, fully adopted, fully adopted, fully adopted, fully adopted, fully adopted, fully adopted, fully adopted, fully adopted, fully adopted, fully adopted, fully adopted, fully adopted measures, fully adopted a series of measures to fully take a series of measures. Give full play to the positive role of stabilizing employment to promote employment, promote the implementation of various policies for benefiting enterprises and the people as soon as possible, effectively ensure the overall stability of the employment situation in the region, and help the development of enterprises in the steel urban area.

"Since 2020, affected by the epidemic, the company's economic benefits have been greatly impacted. The district government has actively adopted support measures. The money is quickly in place, and the funds are returned directly to the company's account to pay the social insurance of the enterprise employee. To a certain extent, the company's responsible person to relieve the company's operating pressure. "

Increase the policy propaganda of benefiting the people and benefiting enterprises. In the past two years, due to the impact of the epidemic, many companies have been under great pressure. In response to this situation, the steel urban area has continued to expand the various policies of the support and stabilization of the in -laws in the context of the epidemic prevention and control. The District Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau carried out unemployment insurance policies through the community, enterprises, and new media publicity channels, so that more groups would know the policy of benefiting the people and benefit enterprises. While achieving it, we should conscientiously implement the special rectification actions of the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security on the development of fictional labor relations and fraudulent insurance benefits.

Strengthen the implementation of the rescue policy of the aid of enterprises. In order to accelerate the implementation of the retreat of unemployment insurance, the Return of the Stable and Stable of the Umpagement Insurance has further simplified the application process and adopted two offline channels to facilitate individual and enterprise applications. The efficiency of reviewing services has been continuously improved, and capital issuance is in place. As of the end of June this year, the unemployment insurance premium had been issued 8,207, with a distribution amount of 14.034 million yuan; 976 people were issued by the unemployment subsidy, and the amount was issued 659,900 yuan; the employee's skill improvement subsidy was issued 537, and the distribution amount was 903,500 yuan. For other companies other than dispatching agencies, applying for unemployment insurance to apply for a stable job in the post also adopt an online "exemption to enjoy" method. No paper materials need to be confirmed online to maximize the burden on the enterprise, streamline the business process, and let the enterprise "" For exemption and running -free legs ", you can enjoy the stabilization policy without the company, and truly implement the" policy to find an enterprise "service to help enterprises reducing the burden. As of now, 75 companies have been approved and paid for the return of 3.649 million yuan to help enterprises over their predicament.

In the next step, the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will further implement various policies issued by provinces and cities, innovate work ideas, simplify the application process, improve the efficiency of work, strictly review and control, allow policy dividends to benefit more people, and help the steel urban employment and entrepreneurship work.

Source: Happiness Steel City

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