Opportunity to the entrepreneur "loan" to the real gold and silver accurate help

Author:Leshan Published Time:2022.07.19

Leshan News (Reporter Pan Yuanyuan) "I have raised pigs for more than ten years. From the beginning of one or two pigs to hundreds of heads, this loan has made me a big pig farmer." This luck almost made him cry. The lucky person is Liu Yuxiang. He is 42 years old. He is born in Xiuwen Village, Mucheng Town, Jiajiang County. He has raised pigs for more than ten years. The ground expanded the scale and made his pig farm towards "high -end." Recently, the reporter came to the Yufei pig farm farm in Jiajiang County to listen to the opportunity for this "loan".

First loan

Expand the scale of breeding

Before the African swine fever came to Jiajiang County in 2019, Liu Yuxiang continued the traditional method of raising pigs in the traditional cement field. In this process of fighting with plague, he learned a lesson. After many shortcomings, after African swine fever passed, he calculated that he had a standardized construction of a pig farm to cover these pigs "villas".

In January 2020, he applied for registering with the Yufei pig farm farm of Jiajiang County, with a business license. He came to the Rural Credit Cooperative of Jiajiang County to prepare for a loan of 200,000. Essence At this time, the entrepreneurial guarantee loan issued by the Employment and Entrepreneurship Promotion Center of Jiajiang County threw out the "olive branch" to him -not only relaxing the loan requirements, but also policy discounts. For three or four days, the loan of this expansion of the country was reached. It's right.

When he got the loan, he successfully built the "villa" to the pigs, and the scale of breeding also expanded from a dozen heads to more than 400.

Liu Yuxiang and his pig farm

Second loan

Will be improved

After two years of hard work, Liu Yuxiang repaid the loan. After trying the benefits of entrepreneurial guarantee loans, in June this year, he once again applied for 200,000 loans to the Jiajiang County Employment and Entrepreneurship Promotion Center for purchasing feed. He patted the feed pile and told reporters that if he wants to raise delicious pigs, he can only feed corn in the first seven months. The cost of the early stage is high. After that, he also wants to meet the market needs and improve the breed of pigs.

Because of the experience of pig farming for more than ten years, Liu Yuxiang is already a small and well -known pig -raising hand nearby, which has driven the surrounding and old -fashioned farmers who are not able to do heavy and lively, and embarked on the road of wealth for pig farming.

Liu Yuxiang is a member of many application for entrepreneurial guarantee loans. According to reports, through the production of small fans to make small fans, the policy of entrepreneurial guarantee loans will be passed through this manual cooling small tool through this manual cooling. The county issued more than 10 million yuan in entrepreneurial guarantee loans in June alone. In addition to helping Liu Yuxiang's outdoor outdoor, it also benefited local growers, catering owners, and retail owners.

The reporter learned from the Leshan Employment and Entrepreneurship Center that in the first half of this year, the city issued a total of 129 million yuan in employment guarantee loans. Real gold and silver helped the entrepreneurs from all walks of life in Leshan to get rich.

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