Organization Minister invited you to come to Li Zengtian: Provide a broad stage for talent officers to start a business

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.07.19

Heilongjiang Long Coal Mining Holding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Long Coal Group") is a wholly -owned provincial -owned state -owned coal enterprise group whose which is wholly -owned by the Provincial SASAC, which is responsible for the province's coal confession and energy development. Li Zengtian, Minister of the Organization Department of the Party Committee of Longmei Group, said that in recent years, Longmei Group has focused on the overall ideas of "based on the safety development priority, prioritize the cultivation of talent resources, accelerate the pace of modernization of Xinlong coal construction in the new era", innovate the party's management of talents, improve talent work, improve talents The construction of mechanisms, optimizing the development environment of talent, and truly transforming "first resources" into "first driving force", providing talent support and intelligence guarantee for promoting enterprises to achieve high -quality development.

Li Zengtian, Minister of the Organization Department of the Party Committee of Longmei Group

Taking the strategy of strengthening the talent in the new era as the unification, the "main engine" is "main engine"

Li Zengtian said that Longmei Group compiled the "Practical Manual of Dragon Coal Group's New Era of the New Era", which has carried out targeted talent research and supervision work, and comprehensively strengthened the party's leadership of talent work. Regularly convene a symposium on talent work, young cadre symposiums, and "May 4th" youth symposiums, and strive to solve the key issues of stages, further unify their thinking, and clarify the direction and ideas of talent work. Through the assessment of the leadership team and leaders, the effectiveness of political ecology construction, and the responsibility system of party building work, the system of talent work management has been formed, which effectively improves the quality of talent work.

Long Coal Group adheres to the digital empowerment of traditional industries, accelerate the construction of the "four modernizations" of coal mines, applies the first northeast mines for shield machines, and builds 19 intelligent comprehensive mining working surfaces, 5 remote automatic control of excavation working surfaces, 46% of 46%, 46% The auxiliary system realizes centralized control of unattended control, Toriyama Coal Mine is combined with trial operation, Dongrong Three Mining Reform and Expansion, Pinggang Coal Mine Technology Reconstruction, Qifeng Coal Mine Construction, and the construction of new energy projects such as photovoltaic The vitality and vitality of the industry. The newly established Dragon Coal Energy Investment Group, high -end development of new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, logistics trade and other transformation and support industries, providing a broad stage and platform for talent officers and entrepreneurship.

With the protection of the reform of the talent system as the guarantee, the formation of retention is formed to "gather place"

Li Zengtian said that in accordance with the three -year operation of state -owned enterprise reform and the "weight loss fitness" work requirements, Longmei Group has comprehensively deepened the "three systems" reform, and truly realized the efficiency of reform and vitality to drive the high -quality development of enterprises. At the same time, in order to further improve the talent development system of talent, continuously unblock three types of development channels: "management, technology, and professional", and effectively stimulate the internal power of talents.

At the same time, Longmei Group vigorously cultivates an innovative development platform. According to Li Zengtian, on the basis of the original 105 model workers and craftsman talent innovation studios, the first of the province's coal system has created cross -regional, cross -industry, cross -enterprise model workers and craftsman talent innovation studios to promote talent economic and technological innovation activities. Breakthrough progress has been made in important areas and key links. At the same time, regularly convene the Group's Science and Technology Conference to reward 200,000 yuan per person to the chief experts, give political treatment and material rewards to outstanding scientific and technological workers. In the past two years Yuan, completed 802 scientific research results, and obtained 14 provincial and ministerial levels and above, which strongly stimulated the motivation and enthusiasm of cadres and workers to learn technology, innovate, and grow fast.

The main line is based on the improvement of the talent training system, and the "incubation pool"

"In order to increase the attraction of excellent university graduates, we regularly study and publish corporate demand plans every year, and give policy guarantees for outstanding university graduates who have interviewed enterprises in the enterprise. 875, "Li Zengtian said.

In terms of accelerating the training and selection and exercise of young cadres, Longmei Group has studied and formulated the implementation opinions, work plan and work planning of accelerating the training and selection of outstanding young cadres, and comprehensively promoted the mechanism of "mentor with apprentices", "pairing bands", "communication and duty" and other mechanisms. Essence Up to now, more than 200 young cadres have entered the organ and have two -way communication at the lower grassroots. The leading cadres have 2,154 outstanding young cadres with each other, and 253 young cadres have been promoted to their deputy chiefs and above their posts. The person who learned the real learning stood out.

In the end, Li Zengtian invited various talents: Welcome everyone to the Long Coal Group to build a job here. The Longmei Group will continue to deploy the strategic deployment of the industrial structure and development strategies, focusing on the cultivation of talents, attracting college students' employment and entrepreneurship, improving the ability of enterprises to carry innovative talents, building a scientific and technological innovation platform, increasing salary incentives, and living security. Implement the "60 Talent Rejuvenation of Longjiang Talents in the New Era".

Source: Lottery News

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