Shijiazhuang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was selected into the top 100 national top 100 public Chinese hospitals in the country

Author:Shijiazhuang Daily client Time:2022.07.19

Ji Shi Client reported (Du Yanqing Wang Yan, Hebei, Wang Guomei) National Traditional Chinese Medicine Administration recently announced the results of the performance assessment of the national tertiary public hospital in 2020.67th, ranked A.

The performance assessment of the third -level public hospital is called the "National Examination" by the industry.The most authoritative and most official national three -level public hospital assessment and evaluation.

It is understood that a total of 585 three -level public Chinese medicine hospitals across the country participated in the 2020 performance assessment work.The 34 monitoring indicators of the national assessment platform are evaluated public hospitals from four aspects: medical quality, operating efficiency, sustainable development, and satisfaction.class.

Source: Hebei Radio and Television Station Jishi Client

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