If the insurance is not involved in the work injury, the insurance will be reimbursed immediately?Very serious consequences!

Author:Shenzhen Evening News Time:2022.07.19

A employee cut his wrist while working at the construction site on October 8, 2020, and was first consultable on the same day. He did not participate in social insurance at the time of the accident. After the enterprise participated in the injured employee on October 9, 2020, the employee appeared for the second time on October 10, 2020. By lying the doctor that he obtained a false diagnosis certificate on October 10, 2020 Essence

On October 15, 2020, the enterprise applied to the Social Security Office for a work injury identification. When applying for a work injury, reported that the work injury accident occurred on October 10, 2020. Certificate and other methods, the total injury insurance benefits are 148,316 yuan.

Later, due to reports from others, the Social Security Office's investigation found that through the method of submitting a false diagnosis certificate to deceive the social insurance fund, the amount involved was 148,316 yuan. After verifying the social security department, the treatment decision and administrative penalty decision decision were made in accordance with the law. They ordered the employee to return the dedated work -related injury insurance fund to be refunded to the Municipal Social Insurance Fund Administration and fined 3 times the amount of fraud (444948. Yuan), transfer the case to the public security organs for processing.

The Municipal Social Security Bureau reminds that the social security fund is the "old -age money" and "life -saving money" of the people, and has a special nature of special funds. Fraud and fraud are bad. The ultimate damage is the vital interests of each insured person. One is the loss of the social security fund, and the other is to affect social fairness and justice. For fraudulent insurance, there are two types of penalties: fines and list of creditors.

Article 88 of the "Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that if fraud, forged certification materials or other means to deceive social insurance benefits, the social insurance administrative department shall order to refund the fraudulent social insurance benefits, and the amount of fraud shall be more than five times the amount of more than five times the amount. The following fines. Article 61 of the "Regulations on the Supervision of the Guangdong Social Insurance Fund" stipulates that if fraud, forged certification materials, use other people's certificates, fictional labor relations, etc., to handle social insurance business, social insurance administrative department, social insurance premium collection institution, and institution, and social insurance premiums, and institutions, and social insurance premiums, and institutions, and institutions of social insurance premiums, and institutions, and institutions of social insurance premiums, and institutions,, social insurance premiums, and institutions, and institutions of social insurance premiums. The social insurance agency does not handle it and records the relevant situation in its credit files; if the circumstances are serious, the amount involved in the case is more than three times more than three times the amount of the case.

In addition, the "Interim Measures for the Management of the Management of severe dishonest people in the field of social insurance" clearly stipulates that there are the following circumstances, and the list of serious people who have severely dishonest social insurance: fraud, forged certification materials or other means to deceive social insurance benefits or social insurance funds expenditures. More than 10,000 yuan, or although it has not reached 10,000 yuan, it is still refused to return after order; after the social insurance benefits are eligible for the loss of treatment, I or others take the lead and multiple social insurance benefits for more than 6 months or amounts. More than 10,000 yuan, ordered the return to refuse to return, or did not perform the contract on time after signing the repayment agreement.

Shenzhen Evening News reporter Xu Jiaozheng

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