Facing the most "spicy" sun, the TAs have the most "warm" heart for special groups ~

Author:Shanghai Xuhui Time:2022.07.19

Constant heat stroke incidents occur frequently. The cadres and volunteers of the Heavenly Residence Commission visited the residents with the most "spicy" sun, and won the most "warm" heart for the special group!

Lingyun Street deployed special groups in the summer high temperature condolences for the first time, combined with the actual situation, strengthened visits and investigations, and implemented care work through pairing care, on -site condolences, safety inspections, open public spaces, etc., with a total of more than 4,900 condolences. As a "intimate person" around residents, the cadres and volunteers of the neighborhood committees acted in actions to make the elderly living in the district safe.

Take a lot of measures to help the elderly "cool a summer"

The hot summer sun is like a fire, and the high temperature warning of Shencheng is frequent, and Sanfu Tian also follows. In the face of continuous high temperature weather, the science and engineering is always in the jurisdiction of difficult groups, especially the elderly home. In order to allow the elderly in the jurisdiction to health and safety, and effectively help the elderly to do a good job of heatstroke and cooling down, and prevent accidents, the popularity of science and engineering actively carried out the "five one" to cool down the heatstroke cooling work, and build a guarantee for the elderly in the middle of the jurisdiction. Essence

Send an initiative to bring more lovers, especially young and middle -aged residents to join in the actions of caring for the elderly, and vigorously promote the righteousness of helping the old and promoting the old man in the community;

For a team, the old service team was established as the old service team. The establishment of the Yichi team was actively devoted to the elderly in the elderly to visit the condolences. The big doll with the "science and engineering one for the old service team" is happy;

For a check, the neighborhood committee jointly carried out the safety inspection of hydropower and coal for the elderly living alone, arranging cleaning and repairing air conditioners to help the elderly live in solitary elderly to do a good job of heatstroke and cooling.

To knock on each door, the "love to knock on the door" activity of the science and engineering house is volunteer, building leader, party member, neighborhood committee staff, property and other parties through visiting condolences, helping the elderly in the elderly in the elderly, and cleaning the health generation. Garbage, helping the elderly to relieve difficulties, knocking on the old man's house, and sending to the elderly with a full neighborhood care;

Opening a activity room, the 101 activity room on the fifth floor of the Fifth Floor of Science and Technology guided all the elderly people in the jurisdiction to come to cool down and prevent the heat of the heat, and equip volunteers to do service and epidemic prevention work. Lajia often spending happiness through midsummer.

Love is lonely old, "sending Guanai" in the high temperature day

Since entering, the temperature has risen again and again. In order to effectively ensure the physical and mental health of the elderly in the difficulty of the elderly in Meilong Eight Village, and effectively do a good job of summer heat prevention and cooling work. Recently, Meilong Ba Village has launched a "high temperature governance love" activity.

There are 90 elderly people over the age of 80 in Meilong Eight Village and 80 elderly people over 60 years of age. The community visits the intercourse through regular groups to remind the elderly living alone at home. Old electrical appliances, inform the summer electrical use precautions; finally, remember to turn off the hydropower gate and raise awareness of safety prevention.

At the same time, in the situation where the epidemic is strictly controlled, the epidemic prevention barrier of the elderly is firmly controlled, and the health and safety of the elderly will be placed. In the early stage, do a good job of rehearsal work and detailed understanding of the health of the elderly and obtain the consent of the family members. To evaluate and vaccine the elderly who are willing to take vaccination, and help build a healthy protection net with the elderly who need to vaccine.

Careful, careless

"Granny, come here to see you, buy some watermelon for you." "Hard work." "Not hard, not hard." Early in the morning, the volunteers of the Lingyun Senior Association Sunshine Branch came to 40 ° C and high temperature and heat. Among the 97 -year -old Cai Guoying's old man, they brought the old people to understand the watermelon of the summer, let her taste the taste, solve the heat, and asked the elderly's recent physical condition. Although Aunt Cai can still act, but Xiao Zhou and Xiao Yang reminded the elderly: "Be careful to avoid summer heat, drink more water, don't worry about air -conditioning costs. If you have any difficulties, you must contact the volunteers as soon as possible, don't feel trouble." The old man was very grateful to the volunteer for their care and made her feel "the warmth of the home."

Recently, volunteers from the Lingyun Senior Association Sunshine Association have visited a number of elderly people who live alone. In addition to daily condolences through on -site, telephone, WeChat chat, etc., volunteers will also help the elderly get courier and meals. Regarding the hairpiece of the elderly, volunteers will also come to the elderly's house to repair their haircuts and keep the elderly in a clean and refreshing state.

At a critical moment, volunteers came out

In order to protect the elderly people who live in a high temperature, the "old partner" volunteers of Meilong Village insisted on visiting, calling for alone, and spending the elderly, accompanied the elderly to vaccine, and received unanimous praise from the elderly.

On the morning of July 13, a residential area was urgent to be sent to the hospital for treatment. At 6 o'clock in the morning, her relatives called the pairing volunteer Xu Sairong, troubled her to send the elderly to the hospital for treatment. Xu Sairong heard anxiously calling for help on the phone. She rushed to the elderly's house without saying a word, and always accompanied the elderly to the hospital for treatment. Due to the timely treatment of the doctor, the elderly have turned dangerous with the strong treatment of doctors. The elderly relatives were also very grateful to Xu Sairong, holding her hand and said "thank you".

The epidemic has strengthened the relationship between the neighborhood of the community, excavated more people with care and kind people, and solved the problems for the difficulty of the neighbors, and helped each other to overcome each other.Each "old partner" volunteer Ling Yun is fully serving the elderly, and hope that each old man has a happy and healthy old age.Summer continuous high temperature

Old people should pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling

Pay attention to your physical condition at all times

Edit: Wang Jiaxin

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