@三 ~ For three months, 18 million yuan to target summer consumer coupons are coming

Author:Wireless Quzhou Time:2022.07.19

18 million yuan to target summer consumer coupons is coming! From July to September 2022, the three-month "Happy Midsummer · Luzhou Polite" summer hot consumer activities came! The event was unified by the municipal consumption class, a unified platform, a unified time, and the use of unified consumer vouchers. By issuing 18 million yuan of targeted consumer coupons to all personnel (including foreign personnel), it was issued to all personnel (including foreign personnel).

Activity time

July 22, 2022 to September 30th


Register and register in the city of Luzhou (those who must be related to the law according to law must be available), and signed up for the catering, accommodation and retail shopping merchants (excluding car, home appliance products), and cultural tourism and sports enterprises that participate in the event.

Applied object

All in the personnel (including foreign people)

Merchant declaration

Eligible merchants within the area of ​​Luzhou City can distribute the summer consumer voucher through the "Happy Summer Summer · Lizhou Polish" during the event: "UnionPay Cloud Flash Pay", and register for the event in the registration channel of the county (city, district).

rule of activity

1. Consumer vouchers issuance time arrangement

The first phase of consumer vouchers are issued on July 22

The issuance time of the second phase of consumer vouchers is August 15th

The issuance time of the third period of consumer vouchers is September 15th

2. Consumer vouchers issuance funds arrangement

7, 198, and 9 months each month of each county (city, district) distributed 1 million yuan for summer targeted consumer coupons (the funds that were not recovered by consumer vouchers in September) were issued.

3. Consumer coupon issuance method

Starting from July 22, 2022, the personnel can pass from July 22 to September 30 from July 22 to September 30. Corresponding to the summer consumer coupon application entrance selection of Kecheng District, Lujiang District, Longyou County, Jiangshan City, Changshan County, and Kaihua County, the local areas are clicked and entered. 4 consumer vouchers), each person is limited to one coupon every 7 days, while it is finished. The validity period of the consumer voucher is 7 days from the date of receipt of the coupon, and it is recovered.

4. Use time arrangement of consumer vouchers

Consumers can be used among businesses that they participate in this event from July 22 to October 15, 2022 from the targeted consumer vouchers received.

5. Use rules for consumer vouchers

When consumers consume the discounts of merchants, they can use a consumer coupon for every 100 yuan for every 100 yuan.

Epidemic prevention

Merchants participating in the event must strictly implement the responsibility of the prevention and control of epidemic conditions and the main body of production safety, strengthen emergency management, and formulate emergency plans in accordance with the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control to ensure the safe and orderly promotional activities.

Source: Luzhou released a city consumption class

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