Heroes, go home!

Author:Luliang Daily Time:2022.06.15

Original title: Hero, go home!

The burial ceremony of Liu Zejun's martyr's ashes was held in Fangshan County Cemetery Cemetery

Reporter Liu Liangliang Photo

Xiao Jiwang Photo

The newspaper (Reporter Ren Xing) Heroes returned to their hometown, and the vast was always long. On June 14, the ashes burial ceremony of martyr Liu Zejun was held solemnly in the martyr's cemetery in Fangshan County. The relatives of the martyrs and his hometown, as well as representatives of all relevant units and the masses, stand up to the audience, and silently sorrow to the martyrs.

At 1 pm, the burial ceremony of the ashes of the martyrs officially began. Under the guidance of the host, the staff bowed to Liu Zejun Martyrs three. Along with the long and low sorrow, a team of ceremonies took a gentle step, and escorted the coffin covering the national flag to the funeral area. Subsequently, under the guidance of the staff and the masses, the martyrs and the masses presented flowers to bid farewell to the martyrs, remembering the loyalty and feats of Ying Lie, and expressing deep sorrow and infinite respect.

Martyr Liu Zejun, male, born in 2002, from Fangshan County, joined the work in 2019. In the three years since he joined, he has been dedicated, willing to dedicate, and strives for the first time. He has participated in the disposal of various types of fire and rescue tasks of more than 300 times, rescued more than 30 people. On June 9, 2022, Comrade Liu Zejun held a fire in Hangzhou. He was in front of him, injured unfortunately. After the rescue was invalid, he sacrificed violently on June 10. At the age of 20 years, he was only 20 years old. The Zhejiang Provincial Government approved Liu Zejun as a martyr, and the emergency management department recovered his personal first -class merit.

Martyrs Liu Zejun presented a valuable life to the party, the country, and the people, and faithfully practiced the glorious mission of "loyalty to duty, not afraid of sacrifice, bravery and good war", and truly showed the "loyalty to the party, selfless dedication, dare to fight the struggle, "Lu Liang's spirit. Although his life was short, the light bloomed was extremely bright, which gave the Luliang people a tree of eternal spiritual monument. The lofty character and spiritual style will inspire generations of the Luliang people.

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