[Culture History and History] Wang Yizhen's "Jialing River" and deafening "Shunqing Bamboo Branch"

Author:Fang Zhi Sichuan Time:2022.07.19

Wang Yizheng "Jialing River"

"Shunqing Bamboo Branch Words" with Deafen

After more than a hundred years of recovery after Kangxi's immigration into Sichuan, in the Yongzheng period, especially during the Qianlong period, the stability of economic recovery and social prosperity appeared in Sichuan. Jialing River Water Road and land roads, business travel, and material circulation are prosperous year by year. Shunqing City, as the transportation hub of the Jialing River Basin, is even more prosperous. At that time, Liu Dejun, a scholar in the city, wrote the improvisation poem depicting the scenery of the Jialing River, and the "Shunqing Bamboo Branch Ci" written by the "Deaf House", which reflected the peaceful and prosperous scene of the people in the Shunding people.

Liu Dejun, the word king pavilion, a Shengsheng in Shunqing City. In ancient times, scholars needed to obtain talent qualifications, and they needed to pass three exams through county, prefecture, and college tests. Regardless of age, the examinee is called childhood, and the examination of the hospital is considered "entering the door", which is called "living staff". Among them, the diet provided by the government is called "廪 廪", and the folk called "Xiucai". Liu Xiu was a person who was full of learning and wrote poetry. His poems were small in Sichuan at that time. Wang Yizheng's "Listening to the Rain Tower" included articles such as "Jialing River", "Jialing River", "Winter Winter", "Writing" and "Wanchun".

On the Jialing River

The mountain is in the middle of the pillars, and the boat comes to the beach.

Jiang Xinoumeng was cold, and the rain -footed geese were chilling.

Entering the gorge through Yunyi, it is difficult to climb the sky.

Looking at the wind, anger.


The bottom of the bee king reported on the morning, a round of the winding window screen.

Wearing a fence to protect Gongsun Shushu and wrap the red -opening sister flowers.

The beam melts the curtain into the swallow, and the eaves of the eaves are quiet and the crow.

Spring helpless spring is going to listen to the two frogs.

Winter 杪 is the matter

Warm wine sits, and the cold and deep snow are melting.

The crowpin tree is black, and the lights are red.

Falconium mountains are rainy, and the frost has the wind.

The curtains are often not rolled, and everything is clear.

Jialing River

Warm wine sits, and the cold and deep snow are melting.

The crowpin tree is black, and the lights are red.

Falconium mountains are rainy, and the frost has the wind.

The curtains are often not rolled, and everything is clear.

"Nanchong County Chronicle" contains, he is "talented and well -known." There is a dispute between the township. As long as he comes on persuasion, divides the interests, tells the truth, the dispute between the dispute will resolve the dispute and reconcile. Later, the government replenished the "Nanchong County Chronicle", and he also wrote "Repairing Nanchong County Chronicle" at the invitation of the county magistrate. "Nanchong County Chronicle" includes the two "Tin Ganlu Temple" and two songs of "Ganlu Temple" and "Ganlu Temple".

Title Ganlu Temple (two songs)

Yamana Huanguo Temple, ladder mixed cloud root.

The bamboo wind penetrated, and the building was hanging the door.

The shallow forest is deeply holding the pavilion, and the far water is nearly surrounding the village.

And sit in the rest pavilion, the poem recognizes the old marks.

Entering the temple to find the immortal, the high rock pillow is blue.

Wearing forests and mountain birds, listen to the rain and bamboo sounds.

Liangshui Pavilion, Yun Guiying hangs the floor.

The middle scenery is good, and the wine is left.

Ganlu Temple Liang Liang (two songs)

The bamboo and the clouds are low, and the rest pavilions are not fascinated.

Outside the Bi Liu Mountain Temple in the stream, the setting sun is red over the west of Shiqiao.

Birds in front of the forest and trees, the wine people were shocked in the afternoon chicken.

Drinking the leisurely pointing, the Baijiang Baita Twilight.

Listen to the quiet cicada, and let my heart take a rest.

Near Gexian Xiangya Purple, Yuanlin Village Shu Mushan Green.

The wind and cool eaves move thousands of bamboo, and Xia Shengxuan opened the nine stacked screen.

You Aiquan is endless, and competes with the tea sutra.

"Deaf and residents", it is difficult to test the person. "Listening to Yulou Essays" said: "The deaf and residents wrote a hundred songs of" Shunqing Bamboo Branch "." Unfortunately, it was not passed down. In the old place (including "Shunqing Mansion" and "Nanchong County Chronicle"), this poem was not mentioned. Fortunately, ten songs were selected in "Listening to the Rain Tower", and people can also appreciate the basic content and characteristics of these hundred poems from one -tenth of the surviving poems.

"Shunqing Bamboo Branch" is mainly based on the scenery of the city and the lives of the market. The language is lively and vivid. It truly reflects the customs and human sentiments of Shunqing City after Qianlong and Jiaqing, and also shows the economic and cultural development of Shunqing at that time.

Shi Jiayan is west of the house, and the yang is low in the shadow.

I was puzzled by the sorrow, and the sub -ends were flying on the treetops.

Lvyang Village beside Yangliujing, Yangzhi low -proclaimed walls.

Lang Lai Mozan willow go, Nong and Yang Zhi are adjacent to each other.

Xiaofeng is light on the street, and Yunyu new combed Hongming.

I heard that selling flowers was over, and the curtains were two or three.

Lotus boats are new to Wuyun, Cuilu Gaosiuyan tail.

The makeup decoration has recently changed, wearing more shirts and less skirts.

Si Pa entangled his head and inserted his head.

Hei Gate laughed and bought orchid wearing, scent of fragrant and diced streets.

The rural children are each other, and half of the field is half -accumulated.

There are several homes and neighbors.

Pick the small panel of crow on the head, and the short drooping is covered with both sides.

Mo Xiao Aon's makeup is ugly, and people know that it is her daughter's house.

The green mountains walked back and went to Xixi's vision.

The incense wind continued all the way, and the women crossed the bridge.

Disputes that watching the dragon boat is all over the south bank of the city.

Lu Ranlang was busy stopping, and Qi Lang went back again.

Na Liang took the wine to the Xihe River, and the Fan Yingyi team passed.

There are thousands of bamboo in front of Ganlu Temple, and tourists have a lot of joy.

Many of the street names and place names mentioned in these poems have been in use to this day. The daily life scenes and folk customs reflect the stable life of small people in the city at that time and the prosperity of the urban economy. What's more worth mentioning is that the safflower mentioned in the poem, red flowers, bristles, and tung oil were the largest export products of Shunqing. Poetry reflects that the farmers of Shunqing rural farmers are quite common. As a dye, safflower not only sells the provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but also exports to Europe.

Source: Sichuan Provincial Local House Work Office

Supply: Local Chronicle of Shunqing District, Nanchong City

Picture: Fang Zhi Sichuan

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