Chengdu Metro adopts the maximum ventilation volume, uninterrupted ventilation+increased ventilation length

Author:Chengdu Daily Jinguan Time:2022.07.19

Recently, a new round of local epidemic occurred in Chengdu. In accordance with the provincial and municipal requirements on further strengthening the prevention and control of epidemic conditions, the Chengdu Metro, based on the implementation of normalized epidemic prevention measures, has measured measures such as strengthening ventilation and improving the frequency of eliminating the entire online website. Essence At present, in accordance with the requirements of the staff, stations, and customer service equipment and facilities, the environmental nucleic acid sampling detection is negative, and the results are negative, further ensuring the safety of rail transit operations, and ensuring the smooth and smooth travel of the majority of passengers.

The ventilation time of the station increases by 0.5-1 an hour

00:22 pm, that is, 1 hour after the operation of Tongzilin Station of Chengdu Metro Line 1, the station ventilation equipment will be automatically closed under the system settings after one day of operation. Before this round of epidemic, the station will close the ventilation system simultaneously when closing the station. "In order to ensure the safety of ventilation and ventilation, we further strengthen the ventilation of the station and train, and adopt the maximum ventilation volume without interrupted ventilation. express. And this is just the "one move" in the Chengdu Metro's "epidemic prevention and control combination".

Faced with the current severe and complex epidemic prevention and control situation, on the basis of doing a good job of normalized operational services, Chengdu Metro further weave the densely weaving epidemic prevention and control network, and enhance the public areas of the entire online station, station air conditioning filter, and passengers' accessible equipment. Frequent disinfection frequency.

Passengers such as automatic ticket vending machines, gate, escalator handrails, inside of straight stairs, stools and other passengers frequently contact, accessible equipment and facilities, as well as public areas such as the entrances, platforms, and stations of subway stations. Both eliminate and disinfect at the frequency of once every 4 hours to provide a safe travel environment for citizens and passengers.

All stations on the entire line are implemented and "4 100%"

In the past few days, for Yang Lan, the webmaster on duty on the South Railway Station, the burden is heavier. "As a transfer station for the South Railway Station, there are many passenger flows, so every day at the peak of the morning, we must go into battle. While strictly implementing the epidemic prevention and control measures, we will increase the guidance of passenger flow."

100%scan code bright code, 100%body temperature detection, 100%mask wearing, 100%place tool for disinfection and ventilation -to provide a safe public rail transit environment to provide a safe public rail transit, all stations in Chengdu Metro are fully implemented, and the normality is normalized. Prevention and control of epidemic conditions.

"For the safety of themselves and others, when the majority of citizens enter the station, please take the initiative to scan the site code. Actively brightly shine the health code before crossing the gate. With the green code, please wear a mask through the subway. Sterilizer and disinfecting in a good area, and make every effort to create a healthy, safe, harmonious and orderly green traffic environment. "The person in charge said.

Like Yang Lan, it has increased the intensity of work, and Wei Yuejin, the cleaners of the station. According to the proportion of the potion, carry more than 20 pounds of disinfection buckets, and disinfect the station -this is his work. "Kaka must be sprayed, and there must be no omissions." Wei Yuejin said.

In order to ensure the safety of passengers during the epidemic, the Chengdu Metro has accelerated the pace of smart transportation and took the initiative to integrate into the construction of the "Smart Rongcheng". Improve the safety and convenience of passenger travel. Here, the general public has also advocated that the majority of citizens can use the Chengdu Metro APP electronic ticket to scan the code and brush the face without contact.

Chengdu Daily Jinguan Journalist Yuan Hong, the editor of the editor of He Qietie, the internship editor of Lu Yarui, pictures of Chengdu Metro Operation Company

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