Witness New Tibet together!The third Tibetan online image festival is solicited to the world

Author:Main News in Tibet Time:2022.07.19

Video/Snapshot, T_100, F_JPG, M_fast "Controls =" Controls "data-version/ueditor/video/mp4/20220719/1658241988424572.mp4 "transcoding =" 1 "style =" width: 400px; ">

Capture the movement with the camera and pass the sound with the sound. Whether and where you are, let us witness the new era and the new Tibet with light, shadow and rhythm.The collection of the works of the 3rd Tibet Faculty Festival is collected for global solicitation works. Nearly 500,000 yuan prize is waiting for you, the highest prize of 33,000 yuan is 33,000 yuan!Scan the two -dimensional code at the end of the video, and immediately sign up for submission.

Source: People's Daily Online

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