6711.29 billion yuan!In the first half of the year, the "transcript" of Changsha's economy is here

Author:Changsha release Time:2022.07.19

The reporter learned from the Changsha City Bureau of Statistics that preliminary accounting was that the total GDP in the city in the first half of the year was 6711.29 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 4.3%. , Half -annual transcript contains the hard -won highlights. The industrial growth has grown smoothly, and the role of Changsha has gone to the role of Changsha. The "Several Opinions on Promoting the High -quality Development of Small and Medium and Micro -Enterprises in Changsha City" and "Several Opinions on Elimizing Changsha Small and Medium Enterprises in Changsha" and other policy documents are stable. The basic market for the growth of the industry has played the role of "cockpit stone". In the first half of the year, the added value of industries above the city increased by 8.6%year -on -year. The city ushered in a good development trend of focusing on projects and promoting industries. In the first half of the year, the city's electricity consumption was 23.21 billion kWh, a year -on -year increase of 7.9%. Among them, industrial electricity consumption and manufacturing electricity consumption increased by 12.7%and 11.0%, respectively, and continued to maintain double -digit growth. The growth rate of industrial power growth was about 9 percentage points higher than the average level of the province. Active foreign trade, the total import and export volume increased by 26.0%year -on -year "buying global and selling global". In the first half of the year, the total import and export of the city was 164.51 billion yuan, an increase of 26.0%year -on -year, and the growth rate increased by 7.6 percentage points from January to May. The open Changsha witnessed the breadth of foreign trade: As of June 30, the China -Europe trains (Changsha) had a total of 518 shipping trains, a year -on -year increase of 40%. Investment growth remained stable, and the consumer goods market continued to recover in the first half of the year, and the city's fixed asset investment increased by 7.4%year -on -year. The construction of major projects has been steadily advanced. The city's 1766 major projects completed 266.7 billion yuan, accounting for 64.6%of the annual plan. The top ten industrial projects, the top ten infrastructure projects, the top ten public service facilities projects, and the top ten people's livelihood projects have exceeded the semi -annual target tasks. A number of major projects such as Yashin Phase I and Lan Si Technology Expansion Project were completed and put into operation. With the introduction of consumer policies, Changsha's consumption potential is accelerating. Data show that in the first half of the year, the total retail sales of consumer goods in the city was 25.358 billion yuan, an increase of 1.5%year -on -year. Online consumption continued to grow. In the first half of the year, the retail sales of goods through public networks in the city's limits increased by 30.6%, accounting for 18.8%of the retail sales of above limit, an increase of 2.4 percentage points from 2021.

Source 丨 Changsha Evening News reporter 丨 Editor Zhou Congxiao 丨 Wen Chunyan School Division 丨 Chen Meng's review nuclear 丨 Du Jin's wonderful content should not be missed! Xiaobu Express News >>> 春 春 小 小 小, enjoy a summer! Revisiting the collection, invite you to check in!消 Changsha is on the list of the national consumption list TOP10! ► Changsha +2! Another batch of national lists publicized, have you been to? Xiaobu Tips >>>! Requirement! Changsha Disease Control and Prevention Consultation Consultation Telephone! ► Latest! The list of Changsha nucleic acid detection points is announced! ► ► The latest appointment method of new crown vaccine! ► Collection! Changsha's new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control consultation telephone announcement scan the QR code to follow the small cloth, unlock more services! Poke here, let Xiaobu know that you are "watching" ~

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